The story of an African farm - PDF novel by Olive Schreiner

The story of an African farm

The story of an African farm

A novel as unusual in the scheme and almost as poetical as Wuthering Heights, to which it has near resemblances—e.g. the solitary, self-reliant souls, Waldo and Ljrudall, to Heathcliff and Catherine. These two, on an ostrich farm in the S. African veldt, work out for themselves the universal problem of human life and destiny, the vast loneliness of the scenery symbolizing artistically the solitude and helplessness of man and the inscrutable might of nature. 

The earlier chapters describe the. childhood of Waldo and his friends, with the idyllic old Otto, Taute Sannie, the Boer housekeeper, and the humorous Bonaparte Blenkins, are by far the best of the book as a novel. Afterwards, it becomes a philosophical pamphlet, full of powerful sayings and with one splendidly imaginative passage, the allegory of Truth, though this is put undramatically in the mouth of a chance stranger.

the book details :
  • Author: Olive Schreiner
  • Publication date: 1883
  • Company: New York : H.M. Caldwell Co.

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