The essentials of advertising - by Frank Le Roy Blanchard - PDF ebook

The essentials of advertising

The essentials of advertising

From preface:
Advertising is such a big subject and the amount of material concerning it is so abundant that it is impossible within the limits of a single volume to present more than a small part of what might be written about it. 

In the preparation of a textbook all the author can do is to confine his attention to a few of its many- phases with the hope that the student, after he has mastered the principles set forth, will desire to continue his search for advertising knowledge elsewhere. In the present book, it has been the purpose of the writer to outline and discuss, as briefly and as clearly as possible, the fundamental principles upon which modern advertising practice is based, the preparation of copy, the special advantages of the several mediums employed, the duties of the more important positions, and such other information as will give the student a comprehensive view of the subject. In taking up the study of advertising it is important that the beginner should get started right and the aim of this volume is to help him get such a start. 

When he has assimilated its contents he can then proceed through actual experience in the field and further study to build upon the foundation he has thus laid until he becomes a skilled practitioner of the art of advertising. A discussion of the more advanced problems of advertising is purposely omitted as such problems have no place in a work of this kind. Some of the important topics taken up are only briefly touched upon for lack of space. Students who desire further information can find it in the books listed in the last chapter. 

The author has been guided in the selection of material by his experience as an instructor in advertising and has endeavoured to arrange the topics in such a manner that the reader is led from one subject to another in a logical order so that when he has completed the course he will have acquired a definite amount of correlated information that will be of great service to him in his future work.

 Teachers of advertising will find the list of questions at the end of each chapter helpful in testing the student's knowledge of the subjects discussed. It is a good plan to encourage the study of current advertisements appearing in the magazines and local newspapers and show how they illustrate the principles set forth in these pages. After the fourth lesson, the students should take up the writing of advertisements, beginning with a help wanted ad, one being assigned each week as part of the homework, the instructor at first furnishing the material upon which they are to be based.


I. Advertising — What It Is and What It Does '1
II. What You Ought to Know Before You Write an Advertisement 8
III. How to Lat Out an Advertisement 13
IV. Advertisement Construction 22
V. On the Use of Illustrations 36
VI. Putting the Advertisement into Type 55 
VII. Advantages of Color in Advertising 77
VIII. Planning a National Campaign 90
IX. Problems of the National Advertiser 100
X. Retail Advertising 116
XI. Why Advertise;n the Newspapers 132 
XII. Magazine s as Advertising Mediums. .144'
XIII. The Advertising Value op Trade and Class Papers . . 166
XIV. Advantages or Outdoor Advertising 165
XV. The Appeal op Street Car Advertising 178
XVI. Direct and Mail order Advertising 187
XVII. Business-getting Letters _1£5--
XVIII. Suggestions on Catalogue Making ~208
XIX. The Mission op the Booklet 218
XX. Usefulness op House Organs 225
XXI. Advertising Specialties 233
XXII. Motion Picture Advertising 241 ,
XXIII. Duties of the Advertising Manager 249
XXIV. What the Advertising Agent Does for the National
Advertiser 259
XXV. The Advertising Salesman 272
XXVI. How Trade-marks Help the Advertiser 286
XXVII. The Economics of Advertising 298
XXVIII. On Correcting Proofs 305
XXIX. Books on Advertising AND Salesmanship 313
Index 317

the book details :
  • Author: Frank Le Roy Blanchard
  • Publication date:  1921
  • Company:  New York [etc.] McGraw-Hill book company, inc.

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