Submerged Atlantis restored - PDF by Joseph Benjamin Leslie

Submerged Atlantis restored 

Submerged Atlantis restored

A short treatise on the Over Spirit as the Cycle Supreme; the Over-Soul as the Epicycle Supreme; Spirit, Soul and Matter as links Supreme, and Time, Space and Life as Trinity Epicycles operating on the deferent of the Over-Soul by Impulse from the Over Spirit in the creative process/

Our object in this treatise is to consider spiritual and material facts, and their recognition by means of sensual forces, and to characterize the disquisition with personifications, cycles, epicycles, links and eclipses, in order to satisfy the general reader, who demands some of the idealistic in connection with the realistic, to ensure his further contemplation of the theme. 

Furthermore, to give communications that we have received and are still receiving from spirits who in mortal dwelt as celebrities, in times far remote, pre-historic, historic, antiquated and modern, who are turning the wheel, or cycle of records, to unfold and reveal, the sequence of facts spiritual, material, physical and historical, to the mortal dwellers on earth. 

In presuming to offer this work to the literary world at large for consideration, the author does so with some degree of apprehension regarding the total acceptance of the theme, particularly that portion characterized with spiritual revelation. 

Critics of merely a literary type, and those wedded to creed- ism, unacquainted with the laws governing spirit manifestations and unwilling to withdraw from long-accepted or established theories, will no doubt discredit these points, and only recognize them as incredible, or imaginary absurdities. On the other hand, we feel that the theme will be accepted by those whose careful investigation and study into the philosophy and phenomena of spirit, have possessed them with a different understanding. 

Those who do not recognize the fact that, at the so-called death, the active forces, the sensations and entire qualities of being that animated the material body before the disembodiment of the soul and spirit, remain an undissolved individuality, capable of manifestation by, and through, the laws governing the disembodied state of existence, we would invite with us, to feel, think and re-think, and penetrate deeper into Nature, thus seeking a better understanding, reaching for perfect conclusions and enjoying much more satisfaction from the truth, knowledge, and wisdom therein obtained, that otherwise would be lost to our consciousness. 

Let us all seek broader knowledge in the Sciences, and thereby the better realize how closely they blend in evidence of universal truth. By such means might the great brotherhood of man be united in religious understanding and acceptance, and creeds would then be conditions of the past. 

The spirit of Philosophy would then blend into that of Science, and manifestations in the realm of Phenomena would the better reach the senses and ultimate conception of mortals. Having confidence, therefore, in the spirit sources from which the inspirations, the impressions, the manifestations and revelations, through clairvoyant and clairaudient aid, have come to us, we send the work out in their behalf, and trust to their force of inspirational influence to use it as an instrument for good to all races of men. 

If in this effort, we have led one mortal to unroll himself from the material blanket that hitherto had folded him, mentally, in the condition of non-development, and has caused him to expose his sensual faculties to the influence of the Infinite Over Spirit, as manifested throughout the universe, thus aiding him to connect the cycles of life material and spiritual into that of the eternal, then shall our efforts be well rewarded. In regard to the pre-historic and non-historic nomenclature having a place in this work, of which there are 3,000 or more terms, we wish to state that about two-thirds of them were received by Mrs C. C. Van-Duzee, thus given her by Alem Prolex, one of the four Atlantian spirits, in aid of this work, at our various private seances during the period of time that we have worked together in collecting data for this book.

The remaining one-third of the terms were received directly by the Author as given to him by Ku-li-this, a Phoenician spirit who, when a mortal, dwelt in the then known section of Phineas, now known as along the shores and west of the Dead Sea, one of the helpers of Alem Prolex in search of nomenclature for this book.

Some contents:

Teltzie I — Rf-me'na (Beginning). The Over Spirit of Life. The Over-Soul. The substance of Matter. Natural Law and Constructed Form 17
Teltzie 11 — The Greater Depths. The Supreme Cycle. Epi- cycles and Links. Poems on the Over Spirit, Over-Soul, and Spirit, Soul and Matter 19
Teltzie III — Influence of the Over Spirit in Life Material. The Spirit of Animation. Cognition by the Senses, in Poetry 26
Teltzie IV— Influence of the Over Spirit in Space Measurable. The Spirit of Extension 32
Teltzie V — ^Influence of the Over Spirit in Time Divisible. The Spirit of Duration. A Poem on the Eclipse of Life 38
Teltzie VI — The Planets 'and their Space Zone Conditions 43
Teltzie VII — Influence of the Oyer Spirit in Life Spiritual.
The Greater Heights. Poem on the Greater Heights. . 50
Teltzie VIII — The Great Continent of Atlantis 64
Teltzie IX — Geologic and Geographic Links and Cycles.
The Rivers, Bays, and Inland Sea of Atlantis 71
Teltzie X — The Mountain Ranges, the Valleys, and the Lakes of Atlantis. The Atlantian tradition of Gan- dero. The Periodical Convulsions of Atlantis. The Minerals of Atlantis 75
Teltzie XI — Atara, the Capitol City of Atl'antis. The great Capitol Building of Atlantis at Atara. The Menglotio Park, and the great Fountain at Atara 84
Teltzie XII — Botanic Links. The Flowers of Atlantis .... 90
Teltzie XIII — The Flower Vines and Shrub's of Atlantis. . 98
Teltzie XIV — The Flower Trees of Atlantis, with pre-historic Links, Ancient 'and Modern Extensions 102
Teltzie XV — The Fruit Trees of Atlantis, with pre-historic Links, Ancient and Modern Extensions 105
Teltzie. XVI — The Nut and Forest Trees of Atlantis, with pre-historic Links, Ancient and Modern Extensions...

the book details :
  • Author:  Joseph Benjamin Leslie
  • Publication date: 1911
  • Company: Rochester, NY: Austin Pub. Co.

  • Download 19.4 MB - 807 pages - contains illustrations