Statistics in business - by Horace Secrist - PDF ebook

Statistics in business

Statistics in business
Statistics in business 

This volume has been prepared primarily for business executives, although it is hoped that it will be of use in Schools of Commerce. It aims to present briefly and concretely the reasons why statistics should be used in business analysis and to illustrate how and with what effect they may be applied in the solution of business problems.

 The volume is not intended to be a treatise on statistics. Its purpose is to serve as a handbook for executives and others in responsible positions in the application of business statistics to problems that currently arise. To this end, the discussion is of a practical character — especial attention being given to the use of graphs and charts. Both good and bad statistical usages are developed by means of illustrations, and rules are formulated which will serve to guide executives at each step in business analysis by means of statistics. 

The treatment is intentionally brief. What is most needed, in the writer's judgment, is a terse, concrete discussion of statistics in business that executives will read, and which will serve to suggest the place which statistics should have as a controlling factor in business planning. This need, this book endeavours to meet. 

The writer is indebted to his colleagues, Professors Walter K. Smart and Franklin Bliss Snyder, for carefully reading the manuscript, and to Professor Homer B. Vanderblue and Mr. A. W. T. Ogilvie for helpful suggestions concerning the applications of statistics in business.


I. Modern Business and Fact Analysis 1
II. The Facts of Business 5
III. Recognizing and Securing the Facts 26
IV. Classifying and Tabulating the Facts . ... 41
V. Presenting the Facts — Graphics 55
"VT. Summarizing the Facts — Averages and Other Means 97
VII. Comparison and the Establishment of Business
Principles and Standards 124
Index 131

the book details :
  • Author: Horace Secrist 
  • Publication date: 1910
  • Company: New York  McGraw-Hill book company, inc

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