Religion: a dialogue, and other essays - by Arthur Schopenhauer - PDF ebook

Religion: a dialogue, and other essays 

Religion: a dialogue, and other essays
Arthur Schopenhauer 

From the translator's preface:
the third edition of this little volume is called for, I have taken the opportunity of adding two more Essays: the brief dialogue on Failure of Philosophy, and some observations on The Metaphysics of Fine Art. 

The latter Essay is a rendering of such portions of a chapter in the original, entitled Zur Metaphysih des Schonen, as appear to be generally interesting and easily intelligible. The chief statement of Schopenhauer's view of Art is to be found in his large work; but as he gives a short essay in his Farerga, I have thought it well to include it in this selection. 

The Prefatory Note to be found in the first and second editions of this volume is here omitted. It is now incorporated with the main Preface to the series in The Wisdom of Life,

This book contains:
Religion: a dialogue.--A few words on pantheism.--On books and reading.--On physiognomy.--Psychological observations.--The Christian system.--The failure of philosophy.--The metaphysics of fine art

the book details :
  • Author: Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Translator: T. Bailey Saunders.
  • Publication date: 1915
  • Company:London: G. Allen & Unwin; New York, Macmillan

  • Download 3.1 MB - 160 pages