Six hundred receipts- PDF book by John Marquart

Six hundred receipts, worth their weight in gold 

Six hundred receipts, worth their weight in gold

including receipts for cooking, making preserves, perfumery, cordials, ice creams, inks, paints, dyes of all kinds, cider, vinegar, wines, spirits, whiskey, brandy, gin, etc., and how to make imitations of all kinds of liquors: together with valuable gauging tables: the collections, testing, and improvements on the receipts extending over a period of thirty years

Some contents:

Beverages — Cottage Beer, how to make 86
Cream Beer, how to make 92
Gas, " 91
Ginger pleasant, how to make 94
-Ginger Powder, " " 95
Ginger Imperial, " " 89
Ginger Beer, " " 88
Ginger Pop,  96
Mead 93
Head, Sassafras 9S
Spruce Beer 87
Spruce White 90
Pineapple-ade 99
Silver top 97
Jet, for harness and boots 590
Japan, for leather 589
Liquid, how to make. No. 1 247
Liquid,' " " No. 2 248
Oil paste, " " No. 1 50
Oil paste, " " No. 2 251
Brass — Polish for 72
Burning-Fluid, how to make 540
Butter — Bad, to improve 512
Kid, to cure 511
To cure, that it will keep for years 513
Cakes and Pies — Bread-cheese, how to bake...... 126
Buns,' how to bake 13S
Biscuits, " " 109
Cider, /' " Ill
Cream, " " 130
Cup, " " 113
Custard, without eggs 116
Frosting, how to, 101
Ginger, how to bake 114
Green corn Omelet 522
Lemon, how to bake. No. 1; 102
Lemon, " " No. 2 129
Lemon, white, how to bake 105
Lemon pies, 
Cakes and Pies 
Muffins 131
Pound cake, plain, how to bake. 127
Queen " •• " 103
Rice" 128
Rusks, No. 1 107
Rusks No. 2 132
Sponge cake, " " 104
Sugar " " " 112
Cider — General Rules to make 266
How to make J 262
How to manage 263
Observations on 265
Raisin, how to make 264
The rule for making good '. 267
To keep good for years 268
To keep good 269
Cement — Crockery 508
Hard, for seams 509
Liquid 607
Water and fireproof 510
Which will get as hard as a stone. 506
Cordials — Aniseed 253
Citron 254
Cinnamon 256
Cloves 258
Orange 257

the book details :
  • Author: John Marquart,
  • Publication date: 1867
  • Company: Philadelphia: J.E. Potter

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