A cup of tea - history of the tea - PDF by Joseph M. Walsh

A cup of tea

A cup of tea

containing a history of the tea plant from its discovery to the present time, including its botanical characteristics ... and embracing Mr William Saunders' pamphlet on "Tea-culture - a probable American industry

Utility, not originality, has been aimed at in the compilation of this work. The difficulties and obstacles its author had met with, in his endeavours to learn something of the article he was commissioned to sell when he first entered the Tea business, and the almost total lack of knowledge displayed by the average dealer in the commodity, allied to the numerous inquiries made from time to time for a job, containing "all about tea," first prompted the undertaking. 

The material was collated at intervals in a fragmentary manner, and arranged amid the many interruptions incident to business life, being subjected to constant revisions, repeated prunings and frequent corrections, due mainly, to the conflicting opinions and varying statements of authorities in every branch of the subject. Yet, as careful an arrangement of the data has been given as possible, a faithful effort being made to omit nothing that may prove useful, instructive or profitable to the general reader, or those who trade in or use the article. It was compiled under impulse, Hot under inducement. Not a line is intended originally for the market, and is published solely for those "whom it niay concern." 

"While rendering due credit for much of the contents to the appended publications, viz., JoJinson^s and the Encylopedia Brittanica, Americana and similar works, its author feels called upon to express his indebtedness particularly to Mr David M. Stone, editor-in-chief of the New York Journal of Commerce for the invariably kind, prompt and valuable in-formation furnished him in his efforts to produce " A Cup of Tea."

 Aware that many errors may have been committed, and many facts have been omitted, he would ask of those who may bestow any attention on the work, to assist him by pointing out what is erratic, or furnishing what has been omitted. So that he may be enabled to rectify the one and supply the other. Still, he trusts that the pains he has taken to avoid both have not been in vain, that the former may be few, and the latter of no great importance. 

To the critic, his reply is, that the best has been done with the abilities, facilities and opportunities at command; to the cynic and pseudo, "expert" Surpass it!


I. — Early History and Introduction into Europe 11
II. — Geographical Distribution, ... 26
III. — Botanical Characteristics and Form, 36
IV. — Cultivation and Preparation, . . 52
V. — Chemical, Medicinal and Dietical Properties, 76
VI. — Commercial Classification and Description, 97
VII. — Adulteration and Detection, . . 131
VIII. — The Art op Testing, Blending and Preparing for USE, . ..... 139
IX. — Statistics, 164
X. — Tea-Culture, A Probable Ameri-
can Industry 177

the book details :
  • Author: Joseph M. Walsh
  • Publication date: 1884
  • Company:  Philadelphia: Author

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