The number of man, the climax of civilization - PDF by Philip Mauro

The number of man, the climax of civilization

The number of man, the climax of civilization

From the introduction:

The writer has attempted in this volume to set forth the chief results of an examination which he has made of the great religious and economic movements now in progress throughout the world. Human society the world over is stirred today as it has not been stirred since the time when it was split up into separate nations, tongues, and tribes; and this remarkable and simultaneous activity of all sections of the human family is easily the most notable characteristic of the day. 

The present examination has been undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the direction and probable outcome of these movements of the modern world. The inquiry is one of great importance, and of vital interest to all human beings. 

It carries us on to the end of all the struggles, trials, and efforts of mankind. It looks into the future to see what is to be the consummation of the complete numbering or summing up not merely of the present era of scientific civilization and industrial development, the age of machinery, but of the Career of Humanity as a whole. It seeks to ascertain the "The number of man" in its totality. 

The materials available for the conduct of such an investigation are abundant, but there be few living in these days of high pressure who have the leisure or ability to pursue it. There are now in progress conspicuous movements, which affect great masses of humanity, and which present characteristics of the most striking nature. 

These movements are social, political, and religious. Their aims are radical, their strength is great, their speed is accelerating. In each one of them, when considered by itself, maybe found indications that the affairs of humanity are approaching a crisis of the first magnitude. 

Taking them all into consideration collectively, one cannot fail to be impressed with the solemn conviction that mankind as a whole is upon the eve of what a competent observer of current affairs has designated "a great world crisis." But if we come to share this conviction (which has obtained hold of many of the thoughtful minds of the day), we shall naturally wish to know all that may be learned concerning the nature of this crisis, its proximity or remoteness in time, and the changes in human society, and in mundane conditions generally, which it will bring about. 

To this end it will be both interesting and profitable to examine the more prominent of the movements of our day, to note the essential features and aims of each, and to ascertain, so far as it is possible to do so, the direction they are severally taking and the destination at which each is likely to arrive. In pursuing this inquiry, the only way to exclude material error and to shut out the writer's own preconceptions, and the only method which will command the confidence of the reader, will be to give the essential characteristics and aims of each movement in the language of someone prominently identified and in full sympathy therewith, and therefore competent to speak for it. 

This method has accordingly been adopted in the preparation of what follows. When the writer began his survey of the various fields of human activity, and the study of the chief characteristics and tendencies of the prominent movements now progressing therein, he did not in the least suspect the existence of any connection between those movements. On the contrary, between some of them, at least, there appeared to be irreconcilable antagonism. 

With that view of the state of modern society, he began to collect and to study the more significant utterances of the leaders and historians of this various movement of thought and action, dealing with them as he has been accustomed to do in making an analysis of a machine or industrial process; that is to say, distinguishing the essential features or principles, from the non-essential features or details, which could be dispensed with or modified without changing the real character of the thing under examination. 

While engaged in this study, the truth dawned upon him, with the force of a great surprise, that all these remarkable movements, however diverse in appearance, were, in reality, identical in their fundamental principles, and furthermore that they were, one and all, converging towards a common goal. He found that, instead of being engaged in studying a group of different and conflicting movements, he was in fact observing various phases of a single movement, and that movement one which is worldwide in its influence and operation.

He found that, throughout the whole world, wherever human societies exist, in Christendom and Heathendom, in Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islamism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and even in Agnosticism, there has suddenly occurred the simultaneous uprising of mysterious forces, under whose potent influence even communities that have been stagnant throughout the whole Christian era, are throwing off their lethargy, are putting themselves into motion, as under a common impulse, and are pressing eagerly and enthusiastically in a common direction.

The scene may be likened to a great scattered encampment, whose divisions are composed of different races, variously attired, and differing widely among themselves in customs and language, but all sections of which have simultaneously struck their tents and started forward in a direction which will quickly bring them to a common destination. 

This fact of the essential identity of the several movements of the hour is in itself of sufficient importance to interest all who are living in these energetic times. But what most concerns them to know is, that the features which are common to these movements, and which prove their essential identity, are the very features which, according to the prophetic Scriptures of the New Testament, are to characterize the period of the culmination of the career of humanity in its self-chosen path of departure from God's ways.

Some contents:

Knowledge of physical forces and properties
of matter applied to multiplying facilities for travel and inter-communication
Many running to and fro, and knowledge
being increased, ..... I
Prophetic descriptions of the " Times of
the End" ; a great System and a great
Leader, ...... 5
The Second Wild-Beast of Revelation xiii. :
The Last World Power, 10
The Great Monopoly: the Religious " Trust," 17
Religion and Business Unprecedented
activity in both fields; swift movements
and sudden changes, . . . 19

Efforts to better
the economic condition of Human Beings.
The " Ills of Humanity " ; what is
their source? Do they - proceed from
Man's environment, or from Man himself? 22
Human schemes of deliverance are based on the theory that the source of human ills is in
Man's surroundings, . . . .24
Aids to Industrial Development and some of
the results of such development, . . 27
Great and rapid
changes now taking place. All Religions
and all Religious Denominations are affected.
Conditions unprecedented in human
history. A great and worldwide spiritual crisis at hand, 30
The religious and economic movements of
the present day have certain features in
common, ...... 34
(1) Their Common Ideal is the formation of'
a Great Consolidation. The dream of a
" Great Unification." Human interests
of all sorts to be combined, 35
(2) They have for a Common Basis, "Faith in
the Powers of Man" to effect a permanent
betterment of the condition of humanity, and to establish " Ideal Social Conditions," 41
(3) They embrace a Common Religious
Principle, ' The Divinity of Man."
Humanism and the coming " Church of
Man," 44
Human Science: its relation to the Present-
Day Activities, 48
Two Bodies of Human Beings now in
process of formation: The Body of
Christ, and the Body of Antichrist, . 50
Headless Humanity. Thelacktobe supplied :
God's Method and Satan's, . . 54
Factors which Present- Day Movements
overlook. Sin and the corruption of
human nature is not taken into account, and
no provision for dealing with them, . 56

Conditions in " the latter days," . . 62
The New Theology of Old England, . . 65
Mr Campbell's statement of the new and
popular religious principles of our day, . 65
The Divinity of Humanity. Every man has " God within," and is hence a discerner
of truth, 66
Proofs Scriptural and others no longer
needed. If " in search for truth, trust the
Voice of God within you," ... 67
The "Fall of God," . .68
" No dividing line " between God's being
and man's, ...... 7 1
Democratic principles incorporated in the
New Theology. Religion must be made
acceptable " to the masses" ... 74
Every man a Saviour. ' ' No stopping-place
between sinner and Saviour," . . 76
New Theology aims at the " Consolidation
of all Human Interests" ... 78
New Theology identified with Socialism.
" The Religious Articulation of the Great
Social Movement," .... 79
" New Theology is the Religion of Science," 81
New Theology in various Religious De-
nominations, ... .82
Mr Campbell and Mr. Blatchford, . . 85
Dr. Gordon on " The Collapse of the New
England Theology," .... 88
The character of the New England Theology, . 92
Reasons why it "collapsed," ... 97
Beneath the "best religious consciousness"
of the time, 99
The teaching of the Bible " outgrown in
knowledge and in ethical conceptions," . 100
The " collapse " of Bible doctrine in the times of King Ahab, .... 101
The "collapse " of the doctrine of Christ in
His own day, ..... 102
" Bondage to a book" Unitarian-Trinitarianism, . . . . . . 104
" Humanism " is our " greatest word," . 106
Man's essential " nature" . . . 106
God's character to be learned by the study of
" man's world," ..... no
The two voices that speak out of the realm
of the unseen, 113
" Looking for the Genius," . . .114
A remarkable movement, . 115
" The Programme of Modernism." Its 

the book details :
  • Author: Philip Mauro
  • Publication date: 1910
  • Company:London: Morgan

  • Download 10.9 MB