Sex and sex worship - PDF book (1922) by Otto Augustus Wall

Sex and sex worship 

Sex and sex worship

A scientific treatise on sex, its nature and function, and its influence on art, science, architecture, and religion - with special reference to sex worship and symbolism

From introduction:

Years ago, it was my good fortune to have the opportunity to examine and read a collection of curious books on sex matters. As I read, I made notations of many facts that I wished to remember, and I also annexed references to the sources from which I had acquired the knowledge. Many of these memoranda, if they were short, were literal copies ; longer ones were abridged, others were merely paraphrased; all of them were written partly with word and phrase signs, such as stenographers used, to make the work as little as possible. 

Then, at my leisure, I made a clean copy of this material, ar- ranging it according to the subject matter, with numbered references to the book in which I had the original material. This latter book was destroyed during the cyclone of 1896, together with many other of my books, by becoming watersoaked and illegible by water coming into a bookcase from damage to the roof im- mediately over it. I could not now say which of the facts stated were literal quotations, or from what authors, and which were passages original with me, or freely paraphrased by me. 

I have attempted to place quotation marks wherever I could remember that the matter was a quotation, but I may have failed to properly mark other passages as quotations; I speak of this to disclaim any conscious or intentional plagiarism if such plagiarism should have occurred, for I have freely used matter written by others if they said anything in an exceptionally good manner. 

The material, prior to 1896, was mainly from the private library referred to above, which was sold, I was told, to an eastern collector of erotica, after the owner's death. But any reference to the subject found elsewhere, in current literature, in encyclopedias, histories, magazines, novels, newspapers, etc., was also used and much of the matter was contributed by friends who were aware that I was gathering this material. 

For example, the picture of the burning of a negro at Texarkana in 1892 (see page 340) was sent to me by a member of the State Board of Pharmacy of Texas at that time. I am sorry that the accident of the cyclone prevents me from giving due credit to everyone and every source of information I consulted, but it does not affect tlie information itself. When "PsychopatMa Sexualis" by Krafft-Ebing, and similar works by Moll, Lombroso, etc., appeared in print, I, at the request of some of my professional friends prepared a series of lectures for them, showing that sexual "perversions," described in these works as insanities, were, in reality, deliberate vices, the results of vicious teachings which had come to us by transmission and teachings from the Greek and Roman schools in which slaves were trained in libidinous arts, to make them more valuable to luxury-loving purchasers, their masters and mistresses. But of this matter, little or none is used in this book, which does not pretend to treat that phase of sexual life and sexual practices.

 Recently I was asked to write my studies on sex for publication, in order that the work might not be lost. As the views on these subjects have materially changed among the learned among the public since the time when the collection of this information was first begun, I consented, and this book is the result. 

The facts gathered about phallic religion led me to doubt whether this was ever a religion from all other religions apart; it appeared to me to be merely a phase in the evolution of all religions. Nor was it real worship of the generative organs, but rather a use of representations of the phallus and yoni as symbols for certain religious ideas which were embodied in nature- worship. 

Mankind, when it gave expression to its first dawnings of religious thoughts, wove a fabric of myths and theories about religion, the warp of which ran through from earliest historical times to our own days as threads of the warp of philosophies and theories about sex, male, female, love, passion, lust, desire, procreation, offspring, etc.; while the succeeding ages and civilizations wove into this warp the woof of the individual religions, the myths and fables of gods and goddesses, so that the whole fabric of beliefs, though at first coarse and poor, became more refined as mankind itself advanced, by a process of revelation which consisted in a gradual unfolding of truths in the consciousness and consciences of innumerable thinkers, until our present religions were produced, and which process of revelation is still going on and will continue until all that is fantastic, irrational, unbelievable, is eradicated from our faiths.

Some contents:

Primitive ideas about sex, 2; Heaven and earth, 3; Creator hermaphrodite, 5;
Plato's idea, 5; Hindu story of the creation of animals, 5.
Definition, 6; Father, 7; Bibles, 8; Brahmanism, 8; Hindu Trinity, 9; Jewish and Christian Bible, 9; Bibliolatry, 10; Oral transmission, 11; Koran, 13; Statistics of religion, 14.
Shintoism, 14; Taoism, 14; Confucianism, 14; Buddhism, 14; Gautama, 16; Lamaism, 18; Statistics, 19; Shamanism, 20.
Geological ages, 20; Darwinism, 22; Earliest writing, 23; Earth's age, 24; Age of man, 24; Pithecanthropus, 26; Alalus, 28; Inhabitants of Pacific,c Islands, 29; Similarity of Aztec and Asiatic civilizations, 31; Aztec crucifix, 33; How many races of man, 34; Biblical account, 34; Other accounts, 34; Preglacial art, 35; Early records, 36; Evolution, 37.
Mystery, 39; Death and reproduction, 40; Death angel, 41; Styx and Charon, 43; Disease demons, 45; "Witchcraft, 46.
Fission, 49; Asexual, 49; Budding, 50; Conjugation, 52; Anabolism, 52; Katabo- lism, 53; Evolution of sex, 53; Impregnation, 55; Parthenogenesis, 57; Hermaphro- ditism, 58; Atavism, 59; Determination of sex, 61; Nourishment, 61; Parthenogenesis in insects, 64.

In Dahomey, 68; Jus primaenoctis, 60; Biblical, 69; Has woman a soul? 70; Infanticide, 72 ; Socialistic communities, 73; Mosaic law, 74; in England, 76; Woman's dress, 78; Koraji on woman, 78; Slavery of woman, 79; Whipping women, 82; Chastity belts, 83; Census on woman, 89.
Genesis, 91; Books of Moses, 95; Legend of Sargon, 96; Days of Genesis, 97; Koran, creation, 97; Persian version, 97; Years, 98; Months, 98; Weeks, 98; Zodiac, 99; Days of the week, 99; Sabbath, 101.

Antichrist, 102; Lucky and unlucky days, and numbers, 103; Creation of the world, Philo, 104; Six, 104; Numbers have sex, 104.

"Writings of Hesiod and Homer, 106; Birth of Venus, 108; Eros, 109; Babylonian account of creation, 110; Brahmanic account. 111; Buddhism, 112; Origin of religious sentiment, gratitude, 114; fear, 116; Ancestor worship, 115; Manes, 115; Phallus as a symbol, 116; People without religion, 118; Persian views, 119; Hindus, 120; Are mythologies religions? 121; Caves, Cybele, 121; Demiurge, 122; Mandaeans, 123; Assurbanipal's library, 124; Avesta, 124; Story of a flood, 125; Cosmic egg, 126.

Yggdrasil, 128; Ash tree, 129; Alder tree, 129; Birch, 129; Lupercalia, 130; Fir tree, 130; Marriage to trees, 130; Birth trees, 131; Gender of plant names, 131; Sex in plants, 134; Fertilization in plants, 136.

Lilith, 139; Prakriti, 139; Adam a hermaphrodite, 139; Purusha, 140; Breath the fertilizing agent, 140; Seed from male alone, 140; Right side of body male, left female, 143; Ancient views of sex, 145; Medieval views, 147; Modern views, 149.

Female, 150; Vulva, 151; Pelvic organs, 151; Menses, 152; Human ovum, 153; Pregnancy, 154; Mammary gland, 156; Male, 157; Spermatozoon, 158; Male genitals, 159 ; Coition, 160 ; Masturbation, 162 ; Onanism, 163 ; Sexual instinct, 166 ; Coition, how often, 174; seasons for, 175; Sexual passion, 175; Eutting odor, 177.

Promiscuity, 180; Monogamy, 181; Family, 183; Marriage by capture, 185; Polygamy or Polygyny, 187; Marriage by the purchase of wives, 190; Marriage to sisters, 192; Kabbalah, 193; Free love, 199; Double standard of morality, 200; Polyandry, 200; Concubinage, 202; Prostitution, 204; Celibacy, 205; Asceticism, 207; Skopsi, 211; Eunuchs or Castrati, 212.

Sense of Smell, 213; Perfume for gods, 218; Sacrifices, 219; Human sacrifices, 222; Druidic sacrifices, 226; Aztec sacrifices, 227; Incense, 228; Perfume for humans, 230; Odophone, Dr Piesse, 230; Antiquity of cabarets, 232; Perfumes, forms of, 233; Perfume of the human body, 236; Perfuming the bride, 239; Perfume among the ancients, 239; Natural odours of the human body, 242; Sense of hearing, 248; Sense of taste, 249; Kiss, 250; Love cake, 250; Cannibalism, 251; Sense of touch, 253; Sense of sight, 253; Beauty, 255; Long hair, 256; Elliptic shape of women, 257; Bosom of woman, 259; waist, 261; Legs and feet, 262; Dance, 263; Religious dances, 266; Social dances, 267.

Influence of World's Fairs, 269; Egyptian art, 271; Greek art, 271; Nude in art, 273; In churches, 277; Nudity for baptism, 277; Adam and Eve, 279; Chiton, 281; Arena, 283; Prostitute, 285; Una, 286; Idealization in art, 287; Modern decadence of art, 288; Indecency in art, 289; Realism, 289; Vulgarity in art, 290.
Sculpture, 292; Decency, 294; Indecency, 294; Innocence of naked childhood, 297; Modern photography of the nude, 298; Pompeiian bath-room paintings, 302.

Rules of the proportion of bodies, 303; Heredity, 305; Children, 308; Women, 308; Men, 308; Youths and Maidens, 309; Plan of body structure, 310; Wedge shape of men, 312; Elliptic form of women, 313; Feminine beauty, 313.

Magic, 315; An old deer, 316; Educated mermaid, 316; Patron saint of Poland,
316; Multiple births, 317; Three hundred and sixty-five children at one birth, 318;
Agnosticism, 319; Atheism, 320.


Lycanthropy, 321; Witches, 322; Diana and Actaeon, 323; Daphne and Apollo, 324.

How myths travel, 327; Unitarianism, 330; Trinitarianism, 330; What are the Gods? 331; Ancient ideas, 331; Neo-Platonists, 333; Pantheism, 333; Pythagoreans, 333; Hesiod's fable of hawk and nightingale, 335; Homo est creator dei, 337; Religious intolerance and persecution, 337; Burning at the stake, 339.

Fear of Ghosts, 343; Fetiches, 343; African fetich place, 344; Suttee in India, 345; Dragons, 346; Asshur, 347; Idols, 348; Images, 348; Aztec idols, 350; Teraphim, 351; Pan, 354; Stones, pears, steeples, etc., 355; Dolmens, Cromlechs, etc., 356; Animals as symbols of deities, 356; Sivayites or Lingayats, 357; Greek statues of deities, 357; Ikons, 358; Crucifix or cross, 358.

Daemones, Greek, 360; Demons, modern, 360; Exorcism, 361; Philacteries or charms, 361; Pentagram, 361; Were-wolves, 362; Vampires, 362; Incubi and Succubi, 364; Manichaeism, 364; Simon Magus, 365; Witches' Sabbath, 366; Trial of Witches, 366; Fauns, 367; Satyrs, 368; Sileni, 368; Nymphs, 368; Naiads, 369; Angels, 370; Genii, 370 ; Valkyrs, 372 ; Sirens, 373 ; Sons of God, 373 ; Incest and Rape, 374.

the book details :
  • Author: Otto Augustus Wall - Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacognosy and Botany in the St. Louis College of Pharmacy; Member of the Committee for Revision of the Pharmacopoeia of The United States, 1880-1890 and 1890-1900; Second Vice-President of the Convention
    for the Revision of the United States Pharmacopoeia from 1900-1910; Presiding Officer of the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention of 1910
  • Publication date:1922
  • Company: St. Louis, C.V. Mosby Co.

  • Download 22.3 MB - contains too many illustrations