The standard guide to Paris and everyday French conversation - PDF (1913) by Max Maury

The standard guide to Paris and everyday French conversation  

The standard guide to Paris and everyday French conversation

Colored Map showing Distances from Paris — Proper Names and Geographical Names not spelled alike in English and French — Money of France converted into American and English Values — Twelve City Routes with Explanations and a Map of each Route — Sentences in German and Italian for Tourists visiting Germany, Switzerland and Italy

Some contents:

Railroad Fares to Paris from 48 Places, . 5
French Money with American and English Equivalents, 6
Proper Names not Spelled Alike in French and English, 7
Itineraries from U. S. Points to Paris, . 9 Steamship Offices, . . . . .11
Watches on Board Ship, . . . .11
Concerning Passports, 12
I. — Pronunciation and Every=day Phrases.
Pronunciation — Cardinal Numbers — Ordinal Numbers, etc. — Days, Months — Seasons; Holidays — The verbs "avoir" and "elre" — Common Adjectives — Parts of the Body — The Weather — Sensation and Feeling — Dress (male and female) — Traveling Requisites — The Time — Phrases of Time, . . . 13-40
II. — Conversations for Tourists.
On Board the Ship — At the Custom House — Asking One's Way — Railroads and Trains — Cabs and Cabbies — 'Buses and Street Cars — Post and Telegraph Offices — About Hotels — Baths — Barbers — Restaurants — Cafes — Tobacco Stores — With the Doctor — Money Matters — Shopping — Social Customs,. 41-111
III. — Twelve City Routes with Diagrams.
Route I. Over the Grands Boulevards,. 112
Route 2. Around the He de la Cite and  St. Louis, . . . . . .117
Route 3. A Visit to the Bois de Boulogne, . 121 Route 4. To les Gobelins, le Pantheon and
le Quartier Latin, . . . 

Author: Max Max Maury
Publication Date: 1913

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