Mrs. Dalloway -(1925) PDF novel by Virginia Woolf

Mrs Dalloway

Mrs Dalloway
Virginia Woolf 

Plot Summary 

Clarissa Dalloway goes around London in the morning, getting ready to host a party that evening. The nice day reminds her of her youth spent in the countryside in Bourton and makes her wonder about her choice of husband; she had married the reliable Richard Dalloway instead of the enigmatic and demanding Peter Walsh.

Review by Leonard Gaya

What a lark! What a plunge! There is a famous episode in the first section of Mrs Dalloway where a sky-writing aeroplane flies over London, soaring, spinning and plunging, writing in white letters of steam on a radiant sheet of blue sky. The onlookers on the ground, strolling down Regent’s Park and Oxford Street, try to decipher the signs above.

the book details :
  • Author: Virginia Woolf 
  • Publication date: 1925
  • Company:  Harcourt, Brace & World

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