More tales from the Arabian nights - PDF book by Edward William Lane (1915)

More tales from the Arabian nights

More tales from the Arabian nights
tales from the Arabian nights 

This is the second volume of the Arabian Nights' Entertainment, containing some old favourites, as well as several delightful stories new to most children.

 Among the old favourites are: " Story of the Hunchback;" " Story of Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Periebanou;" "Story of the Princess Periezade and the Speaking Bird, the Singing Tree, and the Golden Water;" "Story of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura." The new stories will doubtless prove equally fascinating, among them are: "Story of Jordan," telling of Servant-Genii, subterranean treasure, and magic saddlebags that present their owner with any delicious food he may ask for; "Story of Mahomed AH the Jeweller, or the False Caliph," the tale of a mysterious bark on the River Tigris, and of the Caliph Haroun Er Raschid and his Vizier Jaafar;j -".Story of Ali of Cairo," and his adventures with the Treas are-Genii; "Story of Abou Mahomed the Lazy,": whose laziness was such that his mother fed him and drink while he lay on his side, and fortune came to him, in spite of a Marid-Ape, in the enchanted city of Brass; " Story of Abdallah of the Land and Abdallah of the Sea," a tale of precious sea-jewels and the wonders of the sea-cities. 

The pages abound in beautiful damsels; brave youths;  pious fishermen; Genii good and bad; magnificent palaces; gardens filled with trees and sweet-scented flowers and singing birds that proclaim the praises of Allah the High, the Great; also treasures of precious stones and jewels, and of gold and silver; and subterranean wonders. 

The play of Oriental fancy and richness of imagination, the exaggerations of humour, and the detail that gives delight, all are here, as are likewise the Arab virtues of reverence for God's power, respect for the wisdom of old age, and love of hospitality. On the other hand, the stories are stripped of coarseness and those other elements harmful to children are removed. Lane's scholarly version has been followed, except in the case of two tales, "Story of Prince Ahmed" and "Story of the Princess Periezade," which are edited from the version of Jonathan Scott translated from the French of Galland.

Some contents:

Chapter I
Story of the hunchback I
Story told by the Christian merchant the left hand 7
Story told by the sultan's steward the chest of the lady Zobeide 17
Story told by the Jewish physician the necklace of Jewels 24
Story told by the tailor the young man and the barber 30
Story told by the barber the beheaded ten 37
Story told by the barber the tray of glass 39
Story told by the barber the Barmecide feast 42
Conclusion of the story of the hunchback 45

Chapter ii

Story of prince camaralzaman and the princess Badura
The fairy maimouna and the afrite dah- nash 4?
Marzavan 63
The lost talisman 73

the book details :
  • Author: Edward William Lane
  • illustrator: Frances Jenkins Olcott,
  • Publication dateL 1915
  • Company: New York : Holt

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