How shall the rich escape? PDF book by F. S. Billings

How shall the rich escape?  

How shall the rich escape?


Nothing is so sensational as the truth. It can be said with equal truth, that there is nothing so dangerous. In the following pages it has been the endeavour to demonstrate the truth with regard to the majority of things in which humanity is, at present, bound by the falsehoods of, and its adherence to, traditional superstition and ignorance.

 Many critics will affirm that this is an iconoclastic work. They will be mistaken! "While, in nearly all in- stances, it is based on the popularization of scientific knowledge, of established facts, and is as much as possible free from hypothesis, at all times the analytical method has been followed; and only after arriving at the bottom fact (the Law of Self- Protection), as the fundamental moral principle by which all social customs and institutions must be judged, has the synthetical or constructive method been applied. 

Thoroughness in synthesis is not the purpose of this book. On the other hand, by a rather critical adherence to the analytical method, by which social institutions have been freed from their traditional falsehood, the ground has been left so clear of the weeds of superstition that he who can read the book of nature and think for himself and appreciate the fundamental Law of Self-Protection, can apply it to every human institution. 

The assertion may be egotistical, but it seems to me that the builders of our social institutions have continually passed by the corner-stone and fallen down before some " Theory " which had no foundation, and that in proclaiming the practically accepted fact that " man's first duty is to look out for himself," under the name of the Law of Self-Protection, the " Stone of the Wise," for which so many have thrown away their lives, has been brought to plain view.

Collection of Essays: some of them:

Prologue 9
God or no god 17
Immortality 33
God a fetich 37
Christianity 40
Jesusism 41
Evolution and Christianity 49
Brotherhood of man 51
Love one another 57
The church 59
Religion 67
The less theology the more religion 71
Pure religion and undefiled 79
What is a materialist 83
The definition of religion 85
The recognition of natural law the spirit of e 88
The evolution of intelligence 93
Egoism is the consciousness of self-power 95
Environment 102
Individualism 113
The love of God which passeth understanding 116
Bred to win 120
Brains win 134
Self-made man's fetich 139
Genius inspired by god 133
The arrogance of self-made men 135
Socialism 189
Justice to each part is necessary to the solidarity of the
Whole 141
Socialism and self-made men 144
Jay Gould the money king 145
Individualistic socialism 147
The might to can 150
Evolution of ethics 157
Truth is the mightiest of au things " 159
Professor Huxley's recantation 160
The primary bioplasmatic law 164
The moral law of self-protection 169
Altruistic anarchy 1t3
War for the extermination of natural ability 1~3
" the uses of rich men in the republic " 175
" the vengeance of despair " 1t6
" the divine right of kings " 177
Causes of social misery 181
Conscience 188
The gross immortality in Christianity 189
Christianity the gospel of inability 193
The beatitudes 193
The Christian system by a Christian 194
The road to anarchy 203
The theological sand-bag 204

the book details :
  • Author:  F. S. Billings
  • Publication date  1894
  • Company: Boston, Printed by the Arena publishing company

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