Homosexual life by - -PDF book by William J. Fielding (1925)

Homosexual life 

Homosexual life

It has been stated that a person normally goes through three stages in the course of his sexual development — which is represented by the following dominant characteristics, in the order given: Auto sexuality, Homosexuality, and Heterosexuality. 

Each is normal at a certain stage of life. Circumstances, hereditary or environmental, or a combination of both (there is a vast amount of controversy about this phase of the subject), may halt the course of development at either the first or second stage, so that the final evolution of sexual life may never be realized. 

This refers to the psychological and emotional- al aspects of sexual development, rather than the purely physical, as it is the former that sustains the shocks in the difficult process of the individual's social adjustment. While there is a great deal of theoretical abstraction in such a broad survey of the sexual life, nevertheless, there are enough concrete facts at hand to make the conclusions as ac- curate and serviceable as any that are to be obtained within the realm of actual clinical practice. 

The sexual urge is by no means a simple, direct manifestation, but consists of many partial and often conflicting impulses, with ramifications that extend into every channel and byway of life. , as the term implies, means that an individual's sexual interest is turned upon himself. This condition is normal for infants. It also is more pronounced in primitive and savage tribes, and ha$ its analogy, in more practical form, in the lower order of the animal and vegetable world in those species whose individuals are self-sufficient sexually. 

These types, which are capable of reproducing their kind without depending for fertilization upon another individual of the same species, are called hermaphrodites. This latter term, in its real sense, means combining the sexual organs of the two sexes. There are some human beings — variants — who possess hermaphrodite characteristics, usually combining the more or less completely developed organs of one sex with the rudimentary organs of the opposite sex. 

These hermaphrodite characters are not without their significance — namely, the innate bi- sexuality of man. While in the normal person, the attributes of one sex are dominant, there are always present in latent form some evidence of the opposite sex. This is no new discovery.

 In fact, the concept of bisexuality is very ancient. Traces of it are to be found in Chinese mythology. The classical Greek mind seems to have had a particular interest in speculating about it. The mythical personification of bisexuality in the Hermaphroditos, the narrative of Aristophanes in the Platonic dialogue, and at a later period the suggestion of a Gnostic sect (Theophites) that primitive man was a "man-woman," are all based on this presentiment. The first divinities were always bi-sexual, being either women with a penis or men with a female breast
  • Author: William J. Fielding
  • Publication date1925:

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