Exploring nature with your child - PDF book by Dorothy Edwards Shuttlesworth

Exploring nature with your child - an introduction to the enjoyment and understanding of nature 

Exploring nature with your child

Here is a unique and fascinating guide to Nature for parents and children. If you have a child aged four to fourteen and want to help him— or yourself— to understand and enjoy the countless wonders of Nature all about you, this exciting book will show you the way quickly, easily, and delightfully. Over 100 true-to-life illustrations by outstanding artists and photographers make Nature's story doubly clear and dramatic throughout. It doesn't matter what part of Nature appeals to you most.

this book takes you out exploring them all, in the park, in the country, at the zoo or museum, or simply by looking at the weather or the skies. It tells you in advance the questions a child will ask and shows you how to answer them so they make sense. 

It gives you ideas for trips and excursions, rewarding nature hobbies you can share with your child, and nature stories that children love to hear, and in many other ways furnish inspiration and incentive for you to form closer bonds with your child through Nature, and enrich both your lives. 

This book tells you and your child what you should know about animals, tame and wild. From the house cat to the camel, the lamb to the lion, the canary to the eagle, the animals that interest a child are described here —how they behave, what they eat, and their fascinating oddities. You are introduced to the pleasurable hobby of bird watching and told how to recognize birds by their appearance and songs, and how to attract them to your home. You are given interesting information galore to answer such inevitable questions as "How do birds fly?", "Can a squirrel ever find the nuts it buries?", "Can animals talk?", "What is the difference between a rabbit and a hare?", and many, many more.

Some contents:

The best approach to exploring nature— we learn from nature- overcoming fear— "the child is the father of the man"— famous people as nature lovers— why nature is important to your child.


Feathers for clothes— why protective colouring is important— new feathers for old— the versatile beak— feet are versatile, too— sharp eyes and ears— how birds fly— flight techniques— the mystery of migration— sky lanes of the birds— flying hours— how fast do birds fly?_where birds migrate— how to keep a bird calendar— how to be a good neighbour to the birds— feeding the birds in wintertime —what birds feed on— identifying birds by their song— how to record bird songs— how to make birds feel at home— the hobby of nest collecting— baby birds— the chicken and the egg— how many eggs are laid— the size of eggs— bringing up baby— how bird babies are fed— getting ready to leave the nest.


How to get the most out of bird walks— some bird neighbours- robins mean spring is here— sparrows are pleasant neighbours— jays —crows— cardinals for colour— goldfinches: our wild canaries— chickadees— hummingbirds: smallest of the birds— meadowlarks— Balti- more orioles— cowbirds follow cattle— mockingbirds don't always mock— whippoorwills: the invisible singers— owls: birds of the night— hawks: more friends than foes— bald eagles— vultures: nature's street cleaners— gulls: they roost on water.

the book details :
  • Author: Dorothy Edwards Shuttlesworth
  • Publication date:1952
  • Company:  New York, Greystone Press
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