Drugs in commerce - PDF book by John Humphrey

Drugs in commerce

Drugs in commerce

their source, preparations for the market, and description

Brief particulars are given in the following pages of the source and method of preparation for the market of the chief drugs of vegetable or animal origin at present in commerce. 

The list includes all the more important drugs which are official in the British Pharmacopoeia, together with such others as the space available has rendered it possible to deal with. Short descriptions of the drugs should serve as a guide to their identification, and references to their chief constituents are added for the sake of completeness.

 It has been far from easy to compile the information given respecting the commerce of drugs, especially in view of the market disturbances caused by the war, and this work can only be regarded as a tentative effort to convey such information in book form. Much study and compilation of facts and statistics will be required to enable anyone to present an exhaustive account of the commerce of drugs, but those who have occasion to extend their knowledge of this subject will find a mine of wealth in the weekly Trade Report published by the Chemist and Druggist, to which frequent reference has been made in the course of writing this book

Some contents:


Drugs in commerce — Vegetable and animal drugs — Foreign drugs mostly used — Ports of entry — London as the chief port — Transhipment from foreign ports — Packages in which drugs arrive — Drug sales and drug shows — Preparation for the market

Acacia bark, gum Arabic and Ghatti gum — Aconite root and leaves— Aloes and aloin — Alstonia bark — Ammoniacum— Anise fruits and oil — Areca nuts — Arnica flowers and root — Asafetida — Barberry bark and Berberis — Bearberry leaves — Belladonna leaves and root — Benzoin and benzoic acid — Buchu leaves — Butea seeds and gum — Cade oil — Cajuput oil — Calendula flowers — Calabar beans — Calumba root. 5

Camphor and camphor oil — Canella bark — Cannabis indica or Indian hemp — Cantharides and cantharidin — Capsicum and Cayenne pepper — Caraway fruit and oil — Cardamon seeds and fruits — Cascara sagrada — Cascarilla — Cassia bark, buds, pods and pulp — Castor seeds and oil — Catechu, pale and black — Chamomile flowers — Chiretta — Cimicifuga — Cinchona bark and quinine — Cinnamon bark and oil — Cloves and clove oil ....... 23


Coca leaves and cocaine — Cochineal and carmine — Cod-liver oil — Colchicum corm and seeds — Colocynth fruit and pulp — Copaiba and Gurjun balsam — Coriander fruit and oil — Cotton-root bark — Couch grass — Croton seeds and oil — Cubebs or tailed pepper — Damiana — Datura leaves and seeds — Digitalis or Foxglove leaves — Dill fruit and oil — Elecampane — Elm bark and slippery elm — Ergot of rye — Eucalyptus oil — Euonymus bark and euonymin — Fennel fruit and oil — Fenugreek seeds — Galls and Myrobalans — Gelsemium and gelsemine — Gentian root — Ginger

Grindelia — Guaiacum wood and resin — Hamamelis or Witch Hazel, and hamamelis — Hellebore, Veratrum and veratrine — Hydrastis and hydrastine — Hyoscyamus leaves and seeds — Iceland moss — Ipecacuanha root — Ipomcea or Mexican scammony — Irish moss — Jalap and jalapin — Juniper oil — Kava- kava — Kino and Red Gum — Kola nuts — Kousso flowers — Krameria or Rhatany root — Liquorice and liquorice extract — Lobeliahert)— Logwood — Male fern — Manna — Matico leaves — Myrrh and Bdellium


Nutmegs and nutmeg "oils — Nux vomica seeds — Olibanum or Frankincense — Oliver's bark — Opium and morphine — Peppermint oil and menthol — Pepsin — Peru balsam — Picrorhiza rhizome — Pimenta fruit and oil — Podophyllum and podophyllin — Poke root — Prunes — Pyrethrum or Pellitory root — Quassia wood and quassin — Quillaia or Soap bark, and saponin — Rhubarb, Chinese and English — Saffron and cake saffron — Sandalwood and oil; Red sanders — Sanguinaria or Bloodroot — Santonica or worm-seed: Santonin — Sappan wood — Sarsaparilla root ....

Sassafras root, bark, oil and pith — Scammony root and resin — Senega root — Senna leaves and pods — Serpentary or Snake-root — Spermaceti — Squill and Urginea — Stavesacre seeds — Storax and prepared storax — Stramonium leaves and seeds — Strophantus seeds — Sumbul root — Taraxacum or Dandelion root — Tolu balsam — Tragacanth — Turpentine oil, Resin and Terebene — Valerian root — Viburnum or Black haw — Wild cherry bark — Wintergreen oil — Wool-fat and Lanolin ..... 99 INDEX . . . . . . . .114

the book details :
  • Author: John Humphrey
  • Publication date: 1921
  • Company: London, Pitman

  • Download 6.8 MB

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