Advertising; its principles, practice, and technique - PDF by Daniel Starch

Advertising; its principles, practice, and technique

Advertising; its principles, practice, and technique

In this book, I have tried, to the best of ray judgment, to analyze and to put together in systematic form the available facts and elementary principles of advertising. It is hoped that the book may serve as the first textbook for students and as an introductory handbook for businessmen. 

I have tried, therefore, to combine the practical and the theoretical aspects of the subject in such a way that the practical experiences of business houses, which are quoted at length, may illustrate the underlying principles, and that the discussion of principles may illuminate the practical results of a business.

Problems of advertising policies and plans, and problems in the technique and construction of advertisements, are given at the end of the various chapters. These will increase the usefulness of the book as a text. This book does not pretend to be a final treatise on the subject. 

The last word in advertising has by no means been spoken. Scarcely more than a beginning, in a scientific way, has been made. 
No one realizes more than the writer, after several years of teaching and of practical contact with advertising, the scarcity of thoroughly established facts and principles. The author takes pleasure in acknowledging his gratitude to the editors and publishers of Printer's Ink, System, Advertising and Selling, and Judicious Advertising for permission to quote extensively from these periodicals.


I. The Place of Advertising in the Business World .... 7
IL Problems of Advertising: Definitions 17
III. Attracting Attention: reaching the People 28
IV Display Type: Its Attention-Value and Use 39
V.' THE Size of Advertisements 45
VI. Emphasis and Unity in Advertisements: Avoidance
of Counter- Attractions 63" ")
VII. Contrast: The Use of Colors and Novel Features. . .,
VIII. Borders: Eye-Movement and Attention 82
IX. Mediums — General Considerations 91
— X. Mediums — Magazines 96
XL Mediums — Nevpspapers 118
XII. Mediums — Street Bail way Cards 128
XIII. Trade Names and Trade-Marks 131
XIV. Headlines 147
XV. Illustrations 163)
XVI. Repetition and Cumulative Effect 171
XVII. Type and Legibility 180
XVIII. Artistic Elements in Advertisements  198)-^
XIX. Arrangement, Balance, and Harmony 207'
XX. Argumentative Advertisements 223
XXL Suggestive Advertisements: Methods of Keying 236
XXII. Testing the Strength of Advertisements 249
 XXIII. The Ethics of Advertising 267 

the book details :
  • Author: Daniel Starch
  • Publication date : 1914
  • Company: Chicago, New York : Scott, Foresman and Company

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