A handbook for cement works chemists - PDF book by Frank B. Gatehouse

A handbook for cement works chemists 

A handbook for cement works chemists

As indicated by its title, this book is intended primarily for Cement Works Chemists, although it is hoped that it may be found of use in other laboratories. It has been the aim of the compiler, in order to keep the book within reasonable limits, to include only essential details of manipulation where this was possible without ambiguity. 

Each separate process will be found in a numbered paragraph, and a method once described is indicated in the text by that number when it has again to be carried out. An epitome of most of the processes will be found at the foot of the fuller description. In this way the book may be of use as a guide to younger and less experienced chemists, often found on cement works, as well as for reference purposes by the experienced, 

For the sake of uniformity, the strengths and volumes of the solutions employed are stated according to Reddrop's system as described and followed by Phillips in his Engineering chemistry. A table will be found in the Appendix giving instructions for making all the necessary reagents and their strength in terms of E, this being the symbol used to denote the equivalent or equivalents of the reagent by weight, in grams per litre. 

These reagents need not be made with the same degree of accuracy as those employed in volumetric analysis. For fuller particulars reference should be made to the work mentioned.

Some contents:

Prologue Equivalent Solutions Chemicals and Apparatus required
Books consulted ........ pp. 1-4

Sampling: Chalk or Limestone; Moisture; Loss on Ignition; Silica and Insoluble; Alumina and Iron Oxide; Lime; Volumetric Determination of CaO; Lime as CaS0 4; Magnesia; Sulphates; Accurate Estimation of Carbon Dioxide; Rapid Estimation of C0 2 Marls, Gault Clay, Calcareous Shales Clay Estimation of Iron by Means of Standard Permanganate and Standard Bichromate Loss on Ignition Total Sulphur Sulphur Present as Sulphate Alkalies Separation of Soda and Potash Soluble Chloride Shales, Sandstones, and Slates Natural Cement Rock- Slags Phosphorus and Sulphur pp. 5-37


Limestones Clay, Shales, &c. Slurry : Moisture ; Fineness ; Estimation of CaC0 3 ; Preparation of a Standard Dry Slurry or Raw Meal ; Slater's Calorimeter; Bamber's Calcimeter ; To Calculate Percentage of CaC0 3 ; Estimation of CaC0 3 ; Loss on Ignition ; Calculated CaC0 3 Control and Alteration of the Raw Mixture pp. 38-55

Coal : Moisture; Ash; Volatile Matter: Fixed Carbon; Coke; Sulphur; Analysis of Ash Analysis of Coke Calorific Power of Fuel Fineness Lubricants: Loss or Gain in Weight; Specific Gravity; Viscosity ; Flash Point ; Free Mineral Acids; Free Fatty Acid; Separation of Fatty and Mineral Oils Water Analysis: Collection of Samples; Colour, Odour, Reaction; Sediment and Suspended Matter; Total Solids ; Chlorine as Chlorides; Hardness, Temporary and Permanent; Contamination: Standard Ammonium Chloride, Nessler's Reagent, Alkaline Permanganate, Estimation of Free Ammonia, Albuminoid Ammonia; Estimation of Oxygen required to Oxidise Organic Matter ; Estimation of Nitrates + Nitrites; Poisonous Metals; Water Softening Gas Analysis: Collection of Samples ; Analysis of Gases in the Hempel Apparatus ; Filling the Burette; Estimation of Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen, Combustible Gases ; Analysis with the Orsat Apparatus; Condition of Combustion in a Rotary Kiln. pp. 56-90

the book details :
  • Author:  Frank B. Gatehouse
  • Publication date: 1908
  • Company: London : C. Griffin and company, limited

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