Truth seeker tracts upon a variety of subjects - PDF by D. M. Bennett

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Truthseeker tracts upon a variety of subjects, by different authors

Truth seeker
Truth seeker tracts upon a variety of subjects

An apology is hardly necessary for presenting these Tracts in this form. They were mostly transferred from the columns of The Truth Seeker, and made up for separate distribution, without particular care or arrangement. 

They were not written with the expectation of appearing in book form, and it is hoped the reader will make due allowances for imperfections of style and language. 

There being independently paged arises from their being designed originally for separate distribution. If the convenience of having them bound together; if the earnestness of manner and truthfulness of argument are duly appreciated by the reader

This is the third volume of Truth Seeker Magazine

some contents:

58. Prophecies. B. F. Underwood. 5
59. Bible Prophecies Concerning Babylon. 5
B. F. Underwood. 6
00. Ezekiel's Prophecies Concerning Tyre.
61. History of the Devil. Isaac Paden. 17
62. The Jews and their God. Isaac Paden. 66
63. The Devil's Due-Bills. John Stephens. 10
64. The Ills We Endure, Their Cause and Cure. D. M. Bennett. 82
65. Short Sermon, No. 2-. Rev. Theologicus. 8
66. The God Idea in History. Hugh Byron Brown. 26
67. Sixteen Truth Seeker Leaflets No. 2. 32
68. Ruth's Ideas of Heaven, and Mine. Su-
san H. WixoN. 5
69. Missionaries. Elmina D. Slknker. 5
70. Vicarious Atonement. J. S. Lyon, M. D. 8
71. Paine's Anniversary. C. A. Codman. 8
?2. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. 1).
M. Bennett. 10
73. Foundations. John Syphers. 10
74. Daniel in the Lion's Den. Bennett. 10
75. An Hour with the Devil. Bennett. 62
76. Discussion with Erastus F. Brown. D,
M. Bennett. 16
77. The Fear of Death. D. M. Bennett. 34
Scientific series.
1. Hereditary Transmission. Prof. Louis
Elsberg, M.D. BJJ

the book details :
  • Author: DeRobigne Mortimer Bennett, best known as D. M. Bennett, was the founder and publisher of Truth Seeker, a radical freethought and reform American periodical
  • Publication date:  1876
  • Company: New York: D.M. Bennett

  • Download 19.7 MB Volume 3 - 542 pages