The Iliad of Homer -PDF Translated by Andrew Lang (1911)

The Iliad of Homer

The Iliad of Homer
The Iliad of Homer

The Iliad of Homer, Translated by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers

The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter, traditionally attributed to Homer. Usually considered to have been written down circa the 8th century BC, the Iliad is among the oldest Most significantly, the Iliad changed the way people worshipped.

According to the 5th-Century historian Herodotus, it was Homer, with the poet Hesiod, who “described the gods for the Greeks”, and who also gave them human characters – the characters that shape the Olympian gods we recognize today

You can see the vast encampment of Greeks around Troy, you can smell the cooking fires and hear the laughter in the camp - the jeers at the wall and the frustration on both sides as the siege goes on and on. The epic battles near the end that claim the lives of some of mythology's greatest heroes - Achilles and Hector - are beyond description.

The execution of this version of the Iliad has been entrusted to the three Translators in the following three parts: Books
I. IX. . . . . W. LEAF.
X. XVI. . . A. LANG.

Publication date:  (1911)
Translated by Andrew Lang, Walter Leaf, and Ernest Myers

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