U.S. Army survival manual - (1992) PDF ebook

U.S. Army survival manual 

U.S. Army survival manual

No one knows survival better than the U.S. Army, so this exceptional field guide is the most authoritative of its kind. Originally commissioned by the Department of the Army to train its special forces In all-climate, all-terrain survival tactics, this newly issued edition is meant to serve as "a civilian’s best guide for toughing it...anyplace in the world." 

A must for campers, hikers, explorers, pilots, and others whose vocation or avocations require familiarity with the wilderness or out-of-doors, this excellent manual describes and clearly illustrates the techniques of survival medicine, toolmaking, food and water procurement, shelter building, direction finding, signal¬ ing, and many others that could mean the difference between life and death in remote areas. The book will also stimulate the juices of armchair adventurers.

Many survival case histories show that stubborn, strong willpower can conquer many obstacles. One case history tells of a man stranded In the desert for eight days without food and water; he had no survival training, and he did nothing right. But he wanted to survive, and through sheer willpower, he did survive. 
With training, equipment, and the will to survive, you will find you can overcome any obstacle you may face. You will survive. - Preparing for Survival Two things that you can do now to help you prepare are (1) train for survival in different environments and (2) learn about the area where you are going. Learn how to find and get food and water, how to use natural environmental features for shelter, how to build shelter, how to determine direction, and how and when to travel through different types of terrain. 

You should learn how to maintain your health, how to avoid environmental hazards, and how to doctor yourself. Most important, you should learn that rest can be more valuable than speed. Whether you are struggling through jungle undergrowth, facing a dwindling water supply in the desert, or making your way across arctic ice, you should plan and make your way carefully; do not dash blindly on. You should learn about the natives in the area(3) where you expect to go.

 This knowledge and common sense will enable you to make contact with them. If you reach an area where the natives are not allied with the enemy, you will have little to fear and much to gain by thoughtful contact with them. By knowing their customs in advance and by being courteous by their standards, you may be able to get their help. Learning about the different environments, how to get food and water, how to take care of yourself is not enough, however. 

You must have the right attitude. That is, you must accept the fact that as a soldier you may find yourself in a survival situation for an extended period of time, alone, with minimum equipment. You must understand that this situation could come about without warning, and you must be prepared. If you have the opportunity, go through a survival school in which you can train and practice your skills before they really count. The training you receive will give you confidence in yourself. 

A few hours spent in applying what you learn—finding that it works, finding that you can accomplish things that previously seemed impossible—will remove any doubt about your personal ability and stamina. -Survival Stresses 

You must understand the emotional states associated with survival just as you must understand survival conditions and equipment. In a survival situation, you (and your companions, if any) are the most important element in determining your success or failure. You have probably never given much thought to— How do I react to various situations? 
 What do the various signs, feelings, expressions, and reac¬ things in me (and in others) mean? • What are my tolerances to different physical and mental stresses? 
How can I maintain and use my abilities effectively to per¬ form and to control myself? 

 How can I influence my companions in a way that will help them and me? Yet, knowing these things—knowing '‘thyself”—is extremely im¬ portant in a survival situation and bears directly on how well you cope with serious stresses: fear and anxiety; pain, injury, and illness; cold and heat; thirst; hunger; fatigue; sleep deprivation; boredom; and loneliness and isolation.


Chapter 1: The Will to Survive .1-1
Chapter 2: Survival Planning.2-1
Chapter 3: Survival Medicine.3-1
Chapter 4: Field Expedient Weapons and Tools .4-1
Chapter 5: Water Procurement .5-1
Chapter 6: Wild Plants for Food ..6-1
Chapter 7: Wildlife for Food.7-1
Chapter 8: Shelters.8-1
Chapter 9: Firebuilding.9-1
Chapter 10: Water Crossings.10-1
Chapter 11: Field Expedient Direction Finding.11-1
Chapter 12: Signaling. 12-1
Chapter 13: Desert Survival.13-1
Chapter 14: Tropical Survival .....14-1
Chapter 15: Arctic and Subarctic Survival.15-1
Chapter 16: Sea Survival.16-1
Chapter 17: Knots.17-1
Appendix A: Poisonous Snakes.A-1
Appendix B: Clouds — Foretellers of Weather.B-1
Appendix C: Edible Plants.C-1
Appendix D: Poisonous Plants.D-1
Index...Index 1

Originally commissioned by the Dept. of the Army to train its special forces "Reprint of Department of the Army field manual"--Cover Includes index Published by arrangement with Platinum Press
  • Author: the United States. Department of the Army
  • Publication date: (1992)New York: Dorset Press
  • Company:New York: Dorset Press

  • Download 37.9 MB

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