Real estate business self-taught- PDF by William Austen Carney

Real estate business self-taught

Real estate business self-taught
Real estate business self-taught

A handbook containing lessons to be used in connection with the book entitled "How to buy and sell real estate at a profit,"

The object of these lessons is to give the student or reader a practical knowledge of real estate and of the real estate business. The student who will devote a definite portion of each working day to the study of the subject will make the most satisfactory progress. 

The student should exercise to the full- est extent the qualities of industry and perseverance; he should concentrate his mind on the subject and keep it there; he should study a few pages at a time and not skip from one portion of the lessons to another. is referred to herein as the "Text Book" or as "Vol I." In it, the Sections are numbered from I to 163, inclusive, and the Forms from 1 upwards. In this book, the Sections are numbered from 200 upward, and the Forms from 100 upward. ^

The "Final Examination Questions" are contained in a booklet comprising questions and blank spaces for answers, and suggestions as to how these answers should be made. Upon being written up, the booklet is to be returned to the author for correction, and, upon being corrected, is sent to the student, who retains it. . Section 200. An ancient king who was at the pinnacle of his power and greatness, and who thought he might have ready access to anything he should desire, inquired of a venerable sage in his kingdom how to master the problems of Euclid. "There is no royal road to Euclid," the sage replied. And so it must be said to everyone entering the real estate business: 

There is no royal road to this business; the study of "Euclid and of the real estate business must be hard and tense. There can be no avoiding or going around each successive proposition which forms the basis of future progress and no shirking or omitting of detail; every step requires close attention and reflection. Sec. 201. 

The impression prevails in some quarters that the real estate business is scarcely respectable. Such is not the case, however. The real estate business is as honourable and dignified a vocation as any in which men are engaged, and the intention of every person entering the profession of real estate broker should be to maintain, in all his transactions, a strict adherence to sound principles of morality and justice. In this way, he will reflect credit on the profession and be justly entitled to the respect and confidence of his fellow men. Sec. 202. 

The young real estate broker should pay attention to the formation of character. The ability to restrain one's appetite, passions, tongue and temper is of the first im- portance. One must be the master, not the slave, of himself; ii he cannot govern himself, he cannot govern others. Indeed, a good character is vastly more important than a great fortune. A United States Senator who died recently, wrote the follow- ing in his will: "I hope that my sons will, early in life, realize, above all else, that the only thing more difficult to build up than an independent fortune, is a character, and that the only safeguards of character are the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount." Sec. 203. Among the components of a good character are honesty, politeness, confidence, energy, economy and perse- reverence. These will be considered severally. Sec. 204. Honesty is not only the best policy, but it is in strict accordance with a right conscience. 

The real estate man who practices deceit and trickery may be successful for the time being, but he is pretty certain to lose eventually. The confidence which his clients repose in him is a part of his stock in trade, and if he violates that confidence his clients will desert him; moreover, they will take particular occasion to make known to others his true character. A real estate broker, by reason of his knowledge of the business, may be able to deceive his clients in respect to property, but clients are apt to be suspicious and watchful, and their knowledge of human nature may be keener than that of the broker; hence, it behoves the broker, from every point of view, to be honest. Sec. 205. Politeness costs nothing and accomplishes much. 

The real estate broker should cultivate a charm of manner and all those personal qualities that will attract people to him. Sec. 206. Confidence, or self-reliance, is very essential to success in the real estate business. To believe and go forward is the key to success and happiness. Doubt and distrust are negative and corrosive forces. The man who engages in the real estate business should resolve at the beginning to rely on his own judgment. Even if he be rich, and has heretofore de- pended on some relative or another person, let him cut loose and paddle his own canoe down the stream of events.

the book details :
  • Author: William Austen Carney
  • Publication date: 1906
  • Company: Los Angeles, Cal., W.A. Carney

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