Newspaper make-up and headlines - PDF by Norman John Radder

Newspaper make-up and headlines

Newspaper make-up and headlines

This book is offered both as a text for journalism courses in colleges and universities and as a book of reference and guid¬ ance for the newspaperman. It is based upon the writer’s own work as a copyreader supplemented by six years of experience as a teacher of journalism.

 While the book is a comprehensive treatment of the entire subject of copyreading and make-up, the author has endeavoured to keep in mind especially the needs of papers in cities under 100,000. Hence most of the illustrations are of seven- and six-column papers. For the same reason, considerable emphasis has been placed on the problem of selecting body and headline type, on the various styles of front page make-up, on advertising display, on the typography of the editorial page, and on make-up by the dummy system. 

The improvement in the typography of smaller papers in the last five years is abundant evidence of the fact that the publishers of these papers realize that readers, as well as advertisers, prefer the paper that takes pride in its appear¬ ance. At the recent convention of the Associated Advertis¬ ing Clubs of the World, the fact was pointed out that not circulation alone but character as indicated by typography determines the amount of advertising a paper can obtain. Certain men have given very definite help in the preparation of the book.


Reading Copy. 1
Importance of the Copyreader — Double Desk System—
Universal Desk System — Duties of the Copyreader — Errors
of Fact — Typographical Style — News Values — Style and
Expression — Signs Used by Copyreader — Corrected Story —
Guidelines, Adds, and Follows.


The Law of Libel.21
Libel Per Se — Other Words Which May be Libelous — Elements
of Prima Facie Case in Libel — Malice — Defenses in An Action —
Truth—Privilege—Fair Comment — Mitigation of Damages —
Criminal Libel — Don’ts for Reporters and Copyrcaders.

How the Headline is Built .49
Varieties of Decks — Headline Schedules — What Makes a Good
Headline — Building a Headline.

Essential Elements of the Headlines .59
The Verb — Tense — Voice — Completeness of Decks — Implied
Subject — Crowding the Feature — Devices of Punctuation —
Abbreviation — Figures — Colloquialisms — Articles — C on notation — Repetition—Name as Feature — Telegraph Heads —
Things to Remember.

Types of News and Feature Headlines. 92
Headlines for Speeches — Accidents, Storms, Wrecks — Crime —
Human Interest and Feature Heads — Curling

The Ethics of the Headline.
Headlines More Important Than the Story — Examples of
Coloured Headlines — The Policy Story—Industrial Relations —
Distrust of Newspapers—“A Nation of Headline-Readers.”

Proofreading. ..
Differs from Copyreading—Proofreader’s Marks—Suggestions
on Proofreading—Errors Which May Escape Notice. 
the book details :
  • Author: Norman John Radder
  • Publication date: 1924
  • Company: McGraw-Hill book company, inc.

  • Download 20 MB

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