How to make our mental pictures come true -PDF by George Schubel

How to make our mental pictures come true 

How to make our mental pictures come true

a series of easy lessons in the art of visualizing

Among the imaginative stories of our childhood days, who does not recall the charm which Aladdin and his wonderful lamp held for us 1 How marvelous were the things which came to pass each time that he rubbed it ! How often in our childish imagination did we wish for just such a wonder-lamp which would provide us with all the things which our hearts desired! 

Yet this fancy of childhood is father to a wonderful scientific fact possible of being demonstrated mentally, and of being universally Used to satisfy every requirement of the human heart. We are each one of us a mental wonder-lamp manifesting a form of power more marvelous than ever was the light which shone from Aladdin's lamp.

 What is this form of power of which we speak? For want of something more comprehensive, we call it the visualizing power of the mind. Yet it is more than this. Its action involves a whole series of manifestations. We observe that it formulates, differentiates, specializes, chemicalizes and projects itself in us and through us so that by means of it our hearts' desires are formed into thought- images, and then by a further process of dif- ferentiation and specialization they are projected and materialized until they become the visible objects of our outwardly visible world. What do we know about the nature of this form of mental power? 

Very little. It is barely as yet within the grasp of our comprehension. But we have taken cognizance of its operation and results just as we have of electricity, radio-activity and other forms of power. In what manner does it operate? The question is best answered by observing its inner- conscious, interconscious and objectively un- conscious working in us and thru us. In our lives, we have noted very definitely that certain things which we have strongly desired and held as thought-images in our consciousness, have after a time " come true."

Contents of the book

Photography of the Mind 17
Substance out of which Our Mental Pictures ARE MADE 21
How Our Mental Pictures First Take Form. 25
Mind's Photographic Studio 31
True Camera of the Mind 32
Mental Camera-eye 34
Dark Chamber of the Mind 38
Will Serves as Mental Tripod 42
Mind's Range-finder 44
Enlarging Camera-device of Mind 45
Mind's Camera-shutter 47

Sensitized Mind-film 50
Mind's Object of Light. 56
Mind's Image of Light 58
Mental-chemical Developing Agencies .... 60
Mental-chemical Process Explained 69
How an Imaged Thought is Impressed .... 73
How an Impressed Thought passes into Mental
Solution 84
Developing Room of the Mind 99
Subconscious Developing Process Explained 102
How Our Invisible Thought Develops Outwardly 109
Possible to Review a Developing Mental Picture 113
Developing Process can be Facilitated . . . . 116

Preparing our Thought-object for Reproduction 126
Pouring Light upon our Thought-object . . . 129
Seeing our Thought-object in Reflection . . 130
Pouring more Mental-light upon our Thought 131
Establishing our Correct Viewpoint 135
Focusing upon our Imaged Thought ..... 138
Impressing our Imaged Thought 140
Our Thought Impression in Solution 142
Reviewing our Developing Picture from Time to Time 144
Watching for Outward Indications 146
Strengthening our Developing Thought ... 151
Conclusion 156

 book details :
  • Author:George Schubel
  • Publication date: 1922
  • Company: Holyoke, MA: Elizabeth Towne Co

  • Download 10.5 MB