Meccania- PDF novel by Owen Gregory

Meccania, the super-state by Owen Gregory 

Meccania-  novel by Owen Gregor

A quiet tale of revelation, with a good deal of ironic humour and a few spots of fear, especially for a modern reader who knows how bad things can get very suddenly in such a psycho culture.

From Introduction:

this book is little more than a transcript of a document originally written in the form of a journal by a man who, until about a year ago, was an entire stranger to me, and as the document itself contains not a few statements which make large demands upon the credulity of the average reader, it seems necessary to offer some explanation regarding both the journal and its author, Mr Ming — or, to give him his full name, Ming Yuen-hwuy. If I were able to go bail for Mr Ming and assure the British public that he was an entirely credible and impartial witness, the book might have stood on the same foundation as other volumes of ' revelations ' concerning a country with which Englishmen are still insufficiently acquainted. But I cannot go bail for Mr Ming. The chief source to say knowledge of him is the journal itself. It has even been suggested to me that Mr Ming did not write the journal, but must have stolen it from some European, probably an Englishman. 

On this point, I shall have something to say presently. Perhaps the best solution of these difficulties will be to say what I know of the origin of the book.

Mr Ming was introduced to me, by a friend whose name it is unnecessary to give, in November or December 1917. My friend said he remembered meeting him in London as far back as 1909. Since then, however, Mr Ming had not only lived in London and travelled throughout England, but had also spent about two years in France and Italy, and had visited America. 

What his previous career had been I do not know, nor did my friend know. He appeared always to have plenty of money, and we surmised that he might have been attached in some way to the Chinese Legation, but he never gave the least hint about any such connection. What I do know is that he had a re-markable knowledge of our language, and a remark-able familiarity with our laws, customs and political institutions. He professed a great admiration for our British Constitution

Introduction: A Few Words about Mr Ming and his Journal
I. I BECOME A Foreign Observer. II. Bridgetown, Tour No. i
III. Introduction to Mecco .
IV. Professor Proser -Toady's Lecture V. Culture in Mecco
VI. More Culture in Mecco VII. A Meccanian Apostle . VIII. The Mechow Festival . IX. Meccanisation X. Conversations XI. An Academic Discussion XII. The Latest Institution. XIII. Never Again

Author: Owen Gregory
 Publication Date: 1918

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