Judo in action - PDF by Kazuzō Kudō

Judo in action

Judo in action

‘Judo is the way to the most effective use of both physical and spiritual strength. 
By training, you in attacks and defences refines your body and your soul and helps you make the spiritual essence of _ judo a part of your very being. 

In this way, you are able to perfect yourself and contribute ee of value to the world. This is the final goal of Judo discipline.”’ - Anyone who intends to follow the way of judo must above all instil this teaching in his heart.

In Japanese, we have a proverb that when translated into English comes fairly close to, “All things come to him who waits,” and at last, through the extreme kindness and generosity of the Japan Publications Trading Co., I am able to realize my long-time dream of publishing work on judo in a language other than my own. Certainly, however, this publishing firm made every effort to assist me not out of admiration for my own individual worth alone, but because of their wish to contribute to the future correct worldwide dissemination of judo and to its progress. In other words, the Japan Publications Trading Co. resolved to make this contribution, through judo, to world culture because of its sense of mission. 

I am very grateful to them for all their help in seeing this my life’s work to completion. I have come to consider them all my close friends. Our original intention was to fit all of Dynamic Judo into one volume, but soon after we began work we found that at least two volumes would be necessary. Although, in fact, even two volumes are cramped, I am sure our readers will understand that we have chosen the most expedient course.

 We feel sure that Dynamic Judo is not only the first of its kind but the best of its kind for years to come. The secret behind our success in turning out so fine a work in only a few months is the youth and energy of the two models who served us unfailingly in long photography sessions,

 Tetsuya Sato (sixth dan) and Tsuyoshi Sato (fifth dan). I wish to thank both of these men sincerely for all they have done. I also wish to express my gratitude to Soshichi Toyoshima, who was in charge of the production of the book and whose enthusiastic and unflagging efforts ultimately brought our work to a successful conclusion, and to Richard L. Gage who translated the manuscript. Just as in judo, the preparations step and the actual move of the technique must be wholly integrated, so in work on this book, the preparations and all the other phases fit together without a single gap. Finally, I would like to thank The Kodokan and Risei Kano for their leadership and help and Toshiro Daigo (seventh dan) and all of the other famous young judo men who cooperated with us. I will never forget all of their kindness.

the book details :
  • Author:  Kazuzō  Kudō 
  • Publication date  1967
  • Company: Tokyo, San Francisco, Japan Publications Trading Co

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