Fundamentals of prosperity - PDF by Roger Ward Babson

Fundamentals of prosperity; what they are and whence they come

Fundamentals of prosperity

From Introduction:

Some two thousand years ago the greatest teacher who ever walked the earth advised the people of Judea not to build their houses on the sand. What he had in mind was that they were looking too much to the structure above ground, and too little to the spiritual forces which must be the foundation of any structure which is to stand. Following the war, we enjoyed the great- est prosperity this country has ever witnessed; — the greatest activity, the greatest bank clearings, the greatest foreign trade, the greatest railroad gross earnings, the highest commodity prices. 

We then constructed a ten-story building on a foundation meant for only a two or three-story building. Hence the problem confronting us businessmen is to strengthen the foundation or else see the structure fall. I am especially glad of the opportunity to write for businessmen. 

There are two reasons: — ^first, because I feel that the businessmen are largely responsible for having this ten-story structure on a foundation made for one of only two or three stories; secondly, because I believe such men alone have the vision, the imagination and the ability to strengthen the foundation and prevent the structure from falling. The fact is, we have become crazy over material things. We are looking only at the structure above ground. We are trying to get more smoke from the chimney. 

We are looking at space instead of service, at profits instead of volume. With our eyes focused on the structure above ground, we have lost sight of those human resources, thrift, imagination, integrity, vision and faith which make the structure possible. I feel that only by the businessmen can this foundation be strengthened before the inevitable fall comes..


I. Honesty or Steel Doors ?.
II. Faith the Searchlight of Business 19
III. Industry vs. Opportunity . . 27
IV. Cooperation — Success by Help-
ing the Other Fellow . . 35
V. Our Real Resources ... 43
YI. Study the Human Soul . . 51
YIL Boost the Other Fellow . . 57
VIII. What Truly Counts . « . 63
IX. What Figures Show ... 71
X. Where the Church Falls Down 79
XL The Future Church ... 87 

the book details :
  • Author: Roger Ward Babson
  • Publication date: 1920
  • Company: New York: Fleming H. Revell Company

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