Drawing made easy - PDF (1921) by Edwin George Lutz

Drawing made easy - helpful book for young artists

Drawing made easy - helpful book for young artists

the way to begin and finish your sketches, clearly shown step by step (with Illustrations)

It is nice to teach your child drawing or teach yourself. The book is a simple step-by-step drawing tutorial. you just need to repeat until you learn, 

A lead pencil and a pad of scribbling paper are about all you need in copying most of the pictures in this book. Soft rubber for erasing would be good to have, too. You might also get a small wooden triangle, a foot rule, and compasses with a pencil point. These few tools are the modest representatives of the accurate instruments that inventors, engineers, and architects use in planning the things that we use every day. 

The house you live in, the vehicle in which you ride, and the machines that make the many things you wear and use were first planned and drawn out with the aid of dividers, compasses, rulers, and other drawing instruments. Point the lead of your pencil on a block of sandpaper. No doubt you will want a watercolour box. It is a good thing to have, but you can get lots of enjoyment in colouring your drawings.

drawing flower

The first thing to do in making the designs on the other page is to construct a square. This can very easily be made with the; foot rule and triangle. With the foot rule measure off the' sides of the square of equal length, and with the triangle get the corners exactly right-angled.

In the objects about us that we think of as beautiful, it isn't always their colour that attracts or holds our attention. It is very often another matter; namely, their form or outline. For instance, in a vase, the gently curving lines of the form please as much as the colour of the material. 

In flowers, leaves, and shells, the outlines that define the shapes delight the eye as well as the varied colours. The diagrams on the opposite page are to suggest exercises in drawing that will help you to appreciate the beauty in line as well as have you understand the importance of thinking while drawing. Make a series of scattered dots as shown. Be sure and have the dots at different distances apart. Now, if we take the first example, with the dots marked, 1, 2, 3, and 4: we start our line at the 1st dot, continue it to the 2nd, and then to the 3rd, and end at the 4th.

 The idea is to make an easy-flowing curved line from the first dot to the last. There must be no break or angular turning. In doing this, try to forget the pencil-point, and think only of a curved line that you imagine as already marked on the paper going through the dots. If you keep your eye on the pencil and watch it as you draw — the wrong way — the line will be like that in Diagram A, above, angular and wanting in beauty.

Some things about geometry are explained above in a way that n( doubt will impress you. There will be no excuse, now, of not knowing the names of the different parts of a circle. The first thing to do in making the designs on the other page is to construct a square. This can very easily be made with the; foot rule and triangle. With the foot rule measure off the' sides of the square of equal length, and with the triangle get the corners exactly right-angled.

the book details :
  • Author: Edwin George Lutz
  • Publication date 1921
  • Company:New York : C. Scribner's Sons

  • Download Drawing made easy  4.6 MB - PDF ebook

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