Commercial Education - in theory and practice - PDF by Edward Elihu Whitfield

Commercial education in theory and practice 

Commercial education in theory and practice

What is meant by the term 'Commercial Education '? How would it differ in its aims, and in the subjects taught, from the education hitherto commonly proposed in an English High School?" is a question which would be found in an Examination Paper set several years ago for Teachers by the Cambridge Syndicate. 

Here is a term much used of a thing little understood; which some, although supposing they understand, find difficult to define, and others either exaggerate as a cure for all our woes or depreciate as a Continental fad. In the year 1896 the present writer undertook to prepare a General Introduction to the Publishers' "Commercial Series," and the book now issued will fulfil that function. Whilst preparing a Paper for the London Congress of 1897, he decided to attempt to do for Teachers in particular what the Introduction to Commercial Science (first published in 1892 by Messrs. Rivington and Percival) aimed to do for Pupils. The conception of the book therefore enlarged. 

It is hoped that some Teachers will be helped in seeing their way through such requirements as concern them; that some parents may find aid in determining the sort of education which they should seek for their sons destined for a career in Business; and that some self-taught students may meet with guidance as to the direction in which they should put forth their energies for success in life. 

The writer is indebted to various correspondents, several of whom have been his pupils, for information as to the work done by young clerks in modern establishments. Hints are offered throughout as to the bearing, if any, of ordinary school work on such duties. An epoch — to the creation of which the results of the Franco-German War largely contributed — has been running its course for now nearly one whole generation. 
An endeavour is here made to trace those features of the new order of things to which British school education is gradually and surely being conformed.

Some contents:

Introduction . . . . . . i
The organisation of Commercial Instruction. ^ 41
Study and Teaching of Languages and Literature 70
Study and Teaching of Mathematics, Natural
Science, and Drawing . . . . 91
Principles of Business and its Modern Features. 107
Organisation and Commercial Management of Industrial Concerns . . . . . 128
The Theory of Trade: its Organisation and Pro-
motion . . . ... 143
Economics and Mechanism of Transport. .163
Economics and Framework of Taxation. .176
Economics of Money— Banking— Stock Exchanges-Insurance . . . ... 187
the book details :
  • Author: Edward Elihu Whitfield
  • Publication date:1901
  • Company:  London, Methuen & Co.

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