Business planning guide - PDF by David H. Bangs

Business planning guide 

Business planning guide

creating a plan for success in your own business : a handbook to help you design, write, and use a business plan and a financing proposal tailored to your specific business needs.

The revised and expanded edition of the Business Planning Guide is a landmark. What has been described as "an underground bestseller" (forking Woman , August, 1987) has finally come into the light of day. Until now it has been difficult to find the Guide unless you were one of the fortunate entrepreneurs whose banker provided it, or you happened to attend a seminar by one of the Guide's devotees. 

Even so, more than 150,000 businesses have used the Guide to plan for future successes. That number tells us something: there are a lot of highly motivated business owners out there who recognize the importance of planning and will seek out the resources they need to make their businesses work. It also tells us that small business continues to be a major force economi- cally and socially. In these deregulated days of frenzied acquisitions and investment-banker-as-culture-hero, it is reassuring to know that our founda- tion of independent business is still there, creating jobs, preserving free- doms, creating and maintaining prosperity. 

The Business Planning Guide is more useful than it's ever been. This latest edition contains: *a new product/service section "an expanded marketing section" updated figures which reflect current trends *an index to make it easier to use. The Guide is not only intended for those who are opening a business, but those who are expanding an existing business, buying a going concern, or simply determined to manage their business on a more rational basis. In short, this is a handbook for those that have braved the odds and opened their own business, and for the more than 400,000 entrepreneurs who take up the challenge every year.

Table of Contents 
Foreword vi
To the Reader vii
Introduction 1
Outline of a Business Plan 2
The Cover Sheet 3
The Statement of Purpose 5
The Plan's Table of Contents 6
Section One: The Business 9
A. Description of Business 10
B. Product/Service 16
C. The Market 18
D. Location of Business 23
E. Competition 25
F. Management 28
G. Personnel 34
H. Application and Expected Effect of Investment 36
I. Summary 40
Section Two: Financial Data 43
A. Sources and Applications of Funding 47
B. Capital Equipment List 48
C. Balance Sheet 50
D. Break-Even Analysis 55
E. Projected Income Statement 59
F. Cash Flow Projection 72
G. Deviation Analysis .82
H. Historical Financial Reports 88
I. Summary 89
Section Three: The Financing Proposal 91
Section Four: Supporting Documents 97
Appendix One: A Sample Partnership Agreement and Corporate Checklist 103
Appendix Two: Functional Resumes 113
Appendix Three: Bibliography and Resources 117
Appendix Four: Glossary 123
Appendix Five: Worksheets 129
Appendix Six: Order Forms 143
Index 149
  • Author:  David H.Bangs
  • Publication Date: 1988
  • Publisher Portsmouth, NH : Upstart Pub. Co.
