The behavior of crowds; a psychological study
Since the publication of Le Bon's book. Crowd, little has been added to our knowledge of the mechanisms of the crowd- behaviour. As a practical problem, the habit of crowd-making is daily becoming a more serious menace to civilization
Events are making it more and more clear that, pressing as are certain economic questions, the forces which threaten society are really psychological.
Interest in the economic struggle has to a large extent diverted attention from the significance of the problems of social psychology. Social psychology is still a rather embryonic science, and this notwithstanding the fact that psychiatry has recently provided us with a method with which we may penetrate more deeply than ever before into the inner sources of motive and conduct.
The remedy which I have suggested in Chapter X deserves a much more extended treatment than I have given it. It involves one of the great mooted questions of modern philosophical discussion. It is, however, not within the province of this book to enter upon a discussion of the philosophy of Humanism. The subject has been thoroughly thrashed over in philosophical journals and in the writings of James, Schiller, Dewey, and others.
It is sufficient for my purpose merely to point out the fact that the humanist way of thinking may provide us with just that educational method that will break up the logical forms in which the crowd-mind entrenches itself.
Everett Dean Martin was a writer, journalist, instructor, lecturer, social psychologist, social philosopher, and advocate of adult education
The Crowd and the Social Problem of Today . . 1
How Crowds Are Formed 14- -
The Crowd and the Unconscious 51
The Egoism of the Crowd-Mind 73
The Crowd a Creature of Hate 92
The Absolutism of the Crowd-Mind 133
The Psychology of Revolutionary Crowds . . . 166
The Fruits of Revolution — New Crowd-Tyrannie for Old 219
Freedom and Government by Crowds 233
Education as a Possible Curb for Crowd-Thinking 281
Index 305
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