The Money Market - F. A. Straker - (1920) - ebook

The Money Market -  F. A, Straker 

The Money Market -  F. A, Straker
The Money Market -  F. A, Straker 

After sketching the rise and development of the banking system in England, the author traces the establishment and growth of the Bank of England, the gradual elimination of the private banker, and the development of joint-stock banking, the causes which led to London becoming the financial centre of the world, and also the various factors which constitute our Money Market. 

The present position of the Money Market in this country so enters into the life of the people as a thing that w, that little trouble themselves to inquire how our monetary system came to be what it is, how it was founded, grew, and developed into its present state. 

Whether people are aware of it or not, the stability and condition of the Money Market of a country influence the lives of all rich and poor alike and the material well-being of all is largely dependent upon it. Before proceeding to any examination of the methods in which present-day business in the London Money Market is conducted, we will look back into the past, and trace the rise of our financial system from its early beginnings. Trade is, of course, the foundation of, and reason for, the need for money; and trade commenced with the first division of labour. 

With the earliest men, one was more fitted for one thing and one for another; one was a hunter and one a husbandman. When the hunter handed over to the husbandman so many skins for so much corn, trade was established; but this trade was, of course, only a system of barter. 

As men grew more civilised and trade developed, the inconveniences of this system became apparent and pressing, and gradually more suitable modes of settling transactions were evolved; although in certain remote and uncivilised parts of the world trading by barter exists to the present day. As a reminder of bygone times, there is, in the Royal Exchange, a picture of the Phoenicians trading with the men of Cornwall fine cloth for tin and skins. 

We know that the early inhabitants of this country had coinage of a kind, but the earliest record of any definite business in monetary transactions was in the reign of William the Conqueror, who first introduced Jewish traders to this country. From that time on, for hundreds of years, the Jews were more or less intimately connected with our finances; but they led a very chequered career in England, is frequently treated with great cruelty and barbarity. They were required for the help which could be obtained from them, but hated by the people for their usurious practices. 

The exactions which the kings and nobles of the time put upon them were largely conducive to these practices, however, as unless the Jews could make large profits out of the people they would not have been able to meet these exactions. The financial importance of the Jews appears to have declined in this country towards the end of the thirteenth century; but about the same time, their place was taken by the Lombards, the early Italian merchants, who came over and settled here in the street which still bears their name. 

These Lombards were men of some attainment, being skilled in arts and trade, and they possessed the only knowledge of banking then in existence. They combined the art of the goldsmith with the business of the banker, and gradually obtained a firm and sound footing in the country.


The beginning of banking in England.--The foundation and growth of the bank of England.--The early private bankers.--The Bank charter act of 1844, and its suspensions.--The development of London as the financial centre of the world.--Factors of the money market.--The bank return.--The growth of joint-stock banks.--Joint-stock bank balance sheets.--The bill brokers.--The clearinghouse.--Foreign exchanges.--The money article of the press.--Conclusion.--The gold reserve.--Index

  the book details :
  • Author: F. A Straker
  • Publication date:1920
  • Company:Methuen & co

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