Social life in ancient Egypt - by Flinders Petrie - (1923) -PDF ebook

Social life in ancient Egypt

Social life in ancient Egypt

Tue present account of Social Life in Egypt must be looked on as the outline of part of more serious work, the ‘‘ Descriptive Sociology of Egypt,” which will soon appear, in accordance with the will of Herbert Spencer. 

That work is directed to be compiled from known authorities; but in Egyptian matters, there is so much that has never been formally written, and that has lately come to light, that it was necessary to do a large amount of original writing. In this present handbook, part of the material is recast, to show the outline of this whole field uniformly, and it must be taken as a repast drawn from the storehouse. 

The bare facts are here united by a cement of familiarity with the land and the people, which have remained so little changed. 

The later Greek and Roman sources have been largely used, not only because they represent an important period, but because there is such a close similarity between the Egyptians of those times and the present—in spite of Christianity and Islam—that for the earlier ages of more uniform conditions we may well trust the late accounts of the classics. 

The latter parts of this volume will be dealt with more fully in a history of technical knowledge; here we only look at the social effects of the various arts. References have not usually been stated here, as all are fully given in the “ Descriptive Sociology,’ to which any students can refer. It is hoped to issue before long a companion volume on “Religious Life in Egypt.

 book details :
  • Author: Flinders Petrie
  • Publication date 1923
  • Company: Constable and Co.

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