Questions and answers on pumps and pumping machinery
Includes illustrations
Working knowledge of the various kinds of pumping machinery required by the widely different conditions under which such machinery is used is an essential part of the education of a competent steam engineer. Such knowledge does not necessarily include an intimate acquaintance with each separate part of every machine, but it is an excellent plan to have a general idea of the kind of machine that will give the best results under stated conditions.
For illustration, a given kind of pump would prove efficient and durable when raising pure water, but it might not be suitable for water containing a sand and other foreign matter. If used in such service it would soon become worn out and inefficient. On the other hand, if a pump that was designed and built for these conditions had been selected and installed, the result would have been much more satisfactory.
One object sought in offering this book to engineers and others interested is to show such a variety of pumps that one can be selected for every place and condition under which a machine of this kind can be used. For this purpose, only a general outline of each is required. Sometimes an engineer decides that it is useless for him to become thoroughly well posted on pumping machinery (or any other part of steam engineering), because his employer never consults him about the purchase of new equipment, but such a conclusion is inconsistent, because if he remains ignorant on these subjects he never can be successfully consulted, and soon he is not even asked for his opinion.
The machines illustrated are standard goods in their several lines, as they were selected from lists given out by prominent manufacturers of these goods.
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