Problems In Elementary Physics - (1978) PDF ebook by B. Bukhovtsev

Problems In Elementary Physics 

Problems In Elementary Physics

This collection of 816 problems is based on the textbook "Elementary Physics" edited by Academician G. S. Landsberg. For this reason, the content and nature of the problems and their arrangement mainly conform with this textbook. 

There is no section devoted to "Atomic Physics", however, since the exercises in Landsberg's book illustrate the relevant material in sufficient detail. Some problems on this subject have been included in other chapters. 

The problems, most of which are unique, require a fundamental knowledge of the basic laws of physics, and the ability to apply them in the most diverse conditions. A number of problems in the book have been revised from those used at the annual contests organized by the Physics faculty of the Moscow University. The solutions to all the difficult problems are given in great detail. Solutions are also given for some of the simpler ones. The book is recommended for self-education of senior pupils of general and special secondary and technical schools. Many problems will be useful for first and second-year students of higher schools.


Chapter 1. Mechanics (Problems: 7 | Answers and Solutions: 160)
1-1. Kinematics of Uniform Rectilinear Motion
1-2. Kinematics of Non-Uniform and Uniformly Variable Rectilinear Motion
1-3. Dynamics of Rectilinear Motion
1-4. The Law of Conservation of Momentum
1-5. Statics
1-6. Work and Energy
1-7. Kinematics of Curvilinear Motion
1-8. Dynamics of Curvilinear Motion
1-9. The Law of Gravitation
1-10. Hydro and Aerostatics
1-11. Hydro and Aerodynamics
Chapter 2. Heat. Molecular Physics (Problems: 68| Answers and Solutions: 268)
2-1. Thermal Expansion of Solids and Liquids
2-2. The Law of Conservation of Energy. Thermal Conductivity
2-3. Properties of Gases
2-4. Properties of Liquids
2-5. Mutual Conversion of Liquids. and Solids
2-6. Elasticity and Strength
2-7. Properties of Vapours
Chapter 3. Electricity and Magnetism (Problems: 87| Answers and Solutions: 294)
3-1. Electrostatics
3-2. Direct Current
3-3. Electric Current in Gases and a Vacuum
3-4. Magnetic Field of a Current. The action of a Magnetic Field on a Current and Moving Charges
3-5. Electromagnetic Induction. Alternating Current
3-6. Electrical Machines
Chapter 4. Oscillations and Waves (Problems: 127| Answers and Solutions: 365)
4-1. Mechanical Oscillations
4-2. Electrical Oscillations
4-3. Waves
Chapter 5. Geometrical Optics (Problems: 135| Answers and Solutions: 380)
5-1. Photometry
5-2. Fundamental Laws of Optics
5-3. Lenses and Spherical Mirrors
5-4. Optical Systems and Devices
Chapter 6. Physical Optics (Problems: 151| Answers and Solutions: 421)
6-1. Interference of Light
6-2. Diffraction of Light
6-3. Dispersion of Light and Colours of Bodies

book details :
  • Author::B. Bukhovtsev -V. Krivchenkov, G. Myakishev, and V. Shalnov
  • Publication date: 1971

  • Download Problems In Elementary Physics - 27.6 MB