Money, exchange, and banking - Harry Tucker Easton - (1906) ebook

Money, exchange, and banking

Money, exchange, and banking

The subject is treated in its practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. A manual specially intended for bank officials, businessmen. and students of commerce. Glossary.

Money and Banking are so closely interwoven with the commercial life of a nation that it is essential for every person engaged in business to have some knowledge of the part which they play in it. The present volume is intended to give an account of each of them in a definite and practical form and the author trusts that his work may be found useful to the student, to bank officials, and to the commercial classes generally. 

The nature and the use of Money, the mechanism of Exchange, and the development of Banking in various parts of the world— but with special reference to England and the Money Market — are fully explained. But, in addition, the organisation of a bank, the duties of its various officials, and the manner in which the books of a bank are kept and the balance sheet prepared are dealt with, and these form an essential feature of the book. 

The legal side of Banking has not been neglected, and all the most important points in connection with bills of exchange, cheques, and promissory notes, as well as the nature of the relationship existing between a banker and his customers, have been carefully noted.

 A glossary of terms connected with Banking has also been added. The author is indebted to many works of reference in the compilation of this volume, and desires to make special mention of the various articles upon Banking and allied subjects in the last edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica." "The Modern Bank," by Amos K. Fiske, and " National Bank Organisation," by the National City Bank of New York, have been largely drawn upon for an account of the American banking system. The present edition has been carefully revised and brought up to date.

Contents of the book:

I. Money.  9
Ii. The Coinage . . 21
Iii. Bank Notes .... 35
Iv. The Foreign Exchanges . . 51
V. The Arithmetic Of The Exchanges 68
Vi. The Money Market .... 76
Vii. Banks, And Banking Development 87
Viii. The Law Of Banking . . 133
Ix. The Practice Of Banking. 167
X. The Clearing System . . .187
Xi. The Organisation Of A Bank 203
Xii. Bank Book-keeping . . . 217
Xiii. Glossary. 255
Index .... . . 309

book details :
  • Author: Harry Tucker Easton
  • Publication date: 1906
  • Company: Pitman and sons, ltd

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