Selections from the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
To meet the request that all of Rousseau's im- important works be represented, selections have also been made from the remaining masterpieces. In arranging these I have attempted to choose such extracts as would, with the introductions to each, explain themselves, the purpose being to give in as brief a space as possible a general conspectus of Rousseau's contribution to the various fields of philosophy, politics and especially literature. Students of Rousseau are still impatiently awaiting a definitive text. Since my first edition, an excellent text of The Political Writings of Rousseau (191 5) has been provided by Professor C. E. Vaughan. I have followed this for the selections from the Discours Sur I'Inegalite and the Contrat Social.
For the remaining selections, I have used the Musset-Pathway (1823) edition making a few changes which older or better authority seemed to warrant. In preparing this second edition I have been greatly aided in certain passages, especially of La Nouvelle Heloise, by the Rousseau, Morceaux Choisis, 3° edition, of that most learned of our Rousseau scholars, M. D. Mornet, to whom I wish to acknowledge particular indebtedness. For assistance in preparing this volume for the press, my thanks are due to my colleague Professor Frank L. Critchlow.
Translated by Frederick Gauss
Publication date.1920
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