Revolution and reaction in modern France - Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson - PDF

Revolution and reaction in modern France

Revolution and reaction in modern France
Revolution and reaction in modern France

This book does not profess to lie the history of Modern France; it is rather an attempt to describe the development of political thought and political parties there. I have not, therefore, made a point of narrating events in their chronological order — a task which has been accomplished by other writers, for example by Mr. Oscar Browning in his " Modern France" — but has endeavored primarily to seize and reproduce the general character of each successive period. For this purpose I have found ample material in the works referred to at the head of each chapter; and though I cannot doubt that I have made statements which it may be necessary to modify, yet I am not without hope that my account may be found, on the whole, to be sufficient trustworthy: I will not say that it is impartial, for every writer has his point of view; mine, I suppose, will be readily detected by those who do not agree with it; and in any case, it is hard for me to apologize for, or explain it. I have written my book with a view to what I conceived to be the wants of the general public; but it will not, I hope, on that account, be altogether unacceptable to students.

Some contents of the book:

The Revolution of 1789.
§ I. Preliminary
§ 2. The Origin of the Revolution
§ 3. The Grievance of Privilege
§4. The Movement of Opinion
§ 5. The Absolutism of the Government
, §6. The Principles of the Revolution and immediate interpretation in fact
§ 7. The Transition from 1789 to 1793
§ 8. The Theory and the Fact.
§ 9. The Immediate Results of the Revolution
The First Empire 27-60
§ I. Napoleon and the Philosophy of the Revolution. 29-
§2. Napoleon and Equality. ,,. .31
§ 3. Napoleon and Liberty
§ 4. The Political Constitution of the Empire
§ 5. The Administrative System
§ 6. The System of Taxation
§ 7. The Judicial System
§ 8. The Codes
§ 9. The Press.

Author: Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson
Publication date: 1892

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