Psychological Anthropology - by Francis Hsu - PDF ebook

Psychological Anthropology

Psychological anthropology


The purpose of this volume is twofold. On the one hand, it is an assessment of the up-to-date gains in the field of culture and- personality. Each of the contributors tries to achieve comprehensiveness within the scope of his particular assignment. Insofar as possible, each brings together materials from diverse sources, from obscure journals to their own yet unpublished field notes. On the other hand, each of them also attempts to indicate some of the most important problems yet to be tackled. All the contributors outline some of these problems, the hypotheses and methods most relevant to their investigation, and possible solutions.

The American tradition in textbooks is that they contain materials from the beaten paths and are exercises in facts and principles generally endorsed by most or all scholars. Such a tradition fails to introduce the student to the vitality of an expanding and exciting discipline. This book is a textbook, but there will be many controversial spots in it. The reader will find no complete agreement among the contributors, nor between the contributors and the editor. This is a text in which differences in facts, theories, and points of view are not only pointed out but also explored at some length, leading, in some instances, even to almost diametrically contrasting conclusions between the authors.

Another reason for our approach to this text is that, since the subdiscipline of culture and personality is only about twenty-five years old, we are severely limited by the availability of well-established facts and principles. If we only aim at the beaten paths, then we would have either to confine ourselves to the obvious or have little to say. Culture-and-personality has simply not had the accumulation of scholarly heritage enjoyed by older subdisciplines of the science of men such as archaeology or linguistics.

These two reasons are interrelated. The paucity in culture-and- the personality of beaten paths points to the need for growth. And growth is impossible without strong efforts to explore new and unsure grounds. In an interdisciplinary subject such as ours, exploration of new and unsure grounds will by definition be a major part of its endeavor for years to come.


I. Psychological Anthropology in the Behavioral Sciences,
Francis L. K. Hsu 

Editor's Introduction 17
2. Japan, Edward Norbeck and George De Vos 19
3. Africa, Robert A. LeVine 48
4. North America, John J. Hou'igmann 93
5. Oceania, Thomas Gladwin 135
6. National Character and Modern Political Systems, Alex Inkeles 172
7. Am.erican Core Value and National Character, Francis L. K. Hsu 209

Editor's Introduction 231
8. Cross-Cultural Use of Projective Techniques, Berf Kaplan 235
9. Mental Illness, Biology, and Culture, Anthony F. C. Wallace 255
I o. Anthropological Studies of Dreams, Roy G. D'Andrade. 296
1 1. The Mutual Methodological Relevance of Anthropology
and Psychology, Donald T. Campbell 333

Editor's Introduction 353
12. Socialization Process and Personality, John W. M. Whiting 355
13. Culture and Socialization, David F. Aberle 381
14. Kinship and Ways of Life: An Exploration, Francis L. K. Hsu 400

Editor's Introduction 457
15. An Overview and a Suggested Reorientation, Mel ford E.Spiro 459
A Selected Bibliography Bearing on the Mutual Relationship
between Anthropology, Psychiatry, and Psychoanalysis 493
Photographs following 498

Author Index. 501
Subject Index 509 

Author: Francis L. K. Hsu
Publication date:1961
Publisher Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press
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