Mary Magdalen - a chronicle by Edgar Saltus- PDF novel

Mary Magdalen - a chronicle by Edgar Saltus

Mary Magdalen - a chronicle
Mary Magdalen - a chronicle

The novel is historical fiction of Mary Magdalen, Jesus, and Judas.

A very intense retelling of biblical events. The focus is of course on Mary Magdalene and to a lesser degree on Judas. The author pulls you into the world of opposing customs and ideas shows how Mary is molded into the wanton woman she was and how she became free of those sins. 

The relationship between her and Judas was interesting and one looks upon him in the end with a great degree of pity. What I do enjoy about this story is how the author takes many obscure stories, pseudo epigraphic, and blended them into the story filling it out a little more. A great read 
Review by Aaron Meyer

Author: Edgar Saltus
Publication date:1891
Publisher New York, Brentano's

Download Mary Magdalen  PDF novel - 7.2 MB.

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