Lectures on mysticism and nature worship - C. H. A. Bjerregaard - PDF

Lectures on mysticism and nature worship

Lectures on mysticism and nature worship


May that spirit of ours, which is a ray of perfect wisdom, pure intellect, and permanent existence, an inextinguishable light set in mortal bodies, recognize its glory and consciously become united with the Self, supremely blest! Thus shall we become ^'living souls." I trust the flowers that bloomed so recently have not been killed by winter frost, and that -your enthusiasm has not burned out! You cannot worship (worth-ship) without fire and you ought not to lay faded flowers on the eternal altar! 

Do not allow the rudeness of vulgar circumstances to usurp the place which belongs to the Vision. and do not give way tp' the petty details which clamor for the control of your soul! Withdraw regularly to the Secret and throw new and fresh sacrificial butter on the hearth, that the Log may burn. The log is your body and soul in their lower aspects, and it burns only when you sacrifice! Be not afraid of what you call being too familiar with "The Beloved." 

Let not that temptation destroy the elevation of life you have attained. Can there be any too great familiarity between the bride and the bridegroom, between the soul and the Divine? No! No! "Nearer, nearer, my God, to Thee!" Your Beloved is no far off God, who is indifferent and who goes off occasionally on a trip to Ethiopia, leaving the world to Vortex. Your Beloved is a present God, the God of your heart and kidneys. 

I am my Beloved's, And his desire Is toward me. The New Age has come out of the ritualistic view, which supposed, that the Beloved demanded conventional forms as cards of admission to his heart, and loved not in the fullness of body and soul and joy, but by means of symbols. Symbols of those days were idols, either in the form of priests or an oblation. There is nothing now between the bride and the Beloved. The veil is rent. Isis has raised her garment. 

The night is past and the Sun of Salvation shines gloriously in the sky. The New Age does not speak in the emblematic language. The breath, the sigh, from a pure heart moves the well of living waters and we may all ^drink. Eat, O friends; Drink, yea, drink abundantly of love! 

The New Age hates the smell of burnt offerings; we stand no more in the signs of rams and goats. Zoolatry was in order for Israel and Egypt, but not for those who have realized their kinship to the Divine; not for those who are Sons of God and who commune early and late, whose every act is worship, and whose hearts are quick with Divine Life. The New Age does not look to a temple in Jerusalem or elsewhere. The whole world is our temple when we look outside. Our hearts within is our individual temple. Man is the temple. There is no outer and inner, no place more sacred and pure than another. 

The world is the garment of the Beloved. No High Priest and no doorkeeper is needed, the holiness of instinct guides the bride. The New Age keeps every day as a Sabbath-day, needs no set times for prayers, and does not circumcise one flock and not another. 

The Holy Spirit makes every land a Holy Land and all the tribes of man may dwell in it. Our God is Human. God, Jehovah is no more a dreadful name. 
Neither Doctors nor Scribes stand guard over it. We have seen the Divine face to face. He created us for His glory.


First Lecture. — Motto. Pilgrims of the Infinite. The Fourth World. The vision of the Sephiroth." The Presence of the Woods. The Kabbalistic worlds and forces. Dionysius on how to unite. 

Second Lecture. — Motto. Cry for Freedom. Heart and Soul- life. Faith. Jacobi. Appeal for spiritual life. 

Third Lecture. — Motto. Music and Numbers. Idealism. 

Fourth Lecture. — Motto. History in the Heavens. Lawless- ness, and Occultism. The Universal Ministry. 

Fifth Lecture. — Motto. Universal Ministry. The religion of Jesus. Value of the Bible compared to Oriental Philosophy. Yogas. Decalogue, Lord's Prayer, and Sermon on the Mount. Emblems and Symbols. Miss Farmer on Greenacre. 

Sixth Lecture. — Motto. Invocation. The Human. Nature worship. Influence of the stars. Freedom. Merged in the Beloved. 

Seventh Lecture. — Motto. Invocation. Nature worship. Pine trees and cones. Vortex. Cycles and Historical Development. Eighth Lecture. — Love. Ninth Meeting. — Questions and Remarks. Excursion to Mt. Salvat.

Author: C. H. A. Bjerregaard 
Publication date:1897

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