Jules Verne 24 PDF books - Collection

Jules Verne 24 PDF  books

Verne wrote in French, but his works have always had an international appeal. Since the 1850s, his writing has been translated into approximately 150 languages—making him the second most translated author ever. He has appeared in translation even more often than William Shakespeare.

Jules Verne's novels are part of the science fiction genre. His stories are full of adventures, fantastic inventions, and very particular characters who have progressive and human visions.

This is a collection of Jules Verne's 24 books that are in the public domain. some of them contain illustrations. most of them are Science fiction and Fantasy.

Contents of the book:

  1. A floating city and the blockade runners
  2. A journey to the center of the earth
  3. Around the world in eighty days
  4. Dr. Ox's experiment, and other stories
  5. Dropped from the clouds. Translated from the French by W.H.G. Kingston
  6. From the Earth to the Moon direct in ninety-seven hours and twenty minutes, and a trip around it
  7. Godfrey Morgan, a Californian mystery
  8. Hector Servadac
  9. Jules Verne. A drama in the air
  10. Meridiana The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa
  11. Michael Strogoff the courier of the czar
  12. Mistress Branigan
  13. Robur is the conqueror and The master of the world. and The sphinx of ice.
  14. Texas revenge, or, North against South (Nord contre Sud) A tale of the American Civil War
  15. The Adventures of a Chinaman in China
  16. The begum's fortune
  17. The Castle of the Carpathians
  18. The clipper of the clouds
  19. The desert of ice. The further adventures of Captain Hatteras
  20. The exploration of the world
  21. The fur country; or, Seventy degrees north latitude
  22. The Master of the World a tale of mystery and marvel
  23. The mysterious island
  24. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea

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