Sermons by the devil (1904) by William Shuler Harris, PDF ebook

Sermons by the devil 

Sermons by the devil

Preface by the publisher :

In some instances when the author of a book is unknown it is customary to secure some noted per-son to write the Introduction. It is unnecessary, however, in the presentation of this book to the public, inasmuch as its able author is so well known. Those who have read his former works are numbered by the hundreds of thousands. When 'an author's writings have been received with such a welcome and endorsed with such a phenomenal sale, not only in his own country but also in other lands, it is unnecessary to introduce him and his works, as his name is already in the hearts of the people. 

We want to say that this book, entitled "Sermons by the Devil," is original and unique from cover to cover and that the author spent much time and thought in its preparation. We believe that it is the crowning work of his life. The illustrations have been drawn by the genius, Paul Krafft, and they are the best of his efforts.

 Each picture is a careful study and is perfected with much painstaking work. We have saved neither time nor expense to make this one of the best books ever put before the people for the low price we are asking for it. We hope that this work will be received with welcome in millions of homes and that its good mission will not be misunderstood. 

The book will surely do much good, and anyone helping to dis- tribute it will be sowing seed that will bear a rich harvest long after his earthly life is ended. In these times of wickedness and greed, there is a great need for a spiritual awakening, and a book of this character is well calculated to reach the desired object. It is our hope that all this and even more will be accomplished through the influence of this book.

Some contents of the book

Satan's Sermon on Suicide, 17
Sermons on the River of Life, 25
A Serpent Sermon by Satan, 35
Satan's Business Advice, 40
The Death of a Saloon-Keeper, 45
A Sermon by Satan to a Dying Christian, ... 53
Satan Preaches to a Society Woman, 57
Preaching Behind Curtains, 60
Views of Satan on Lying, 65
Little Sermons by Satan to Persuade People
to Reject the Great Invitation, 73
Satan's Musical Sermon, 87
Satan on Child Training, 91
Satan on Christian Zeal, 96
The harmlessness of Sin, 100
The Lord's Supper, 104
Family Worship, 110
Satan and Purity, 118
The Journey of Miss Pilgrim, 123
A Time When Satan Failed,, 143
How To Conduct Revival Meetings, 148
A Tobacco Sermon by Satan, 157
The Devil's Free Lunch Counter, 165
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