Atlantis; a novel (1912) by Gerhart Hauptmann, PDF book

Atlantis; a novel (1912)

Atlantis; a novel (1912)

This novel by the 1912 Noble Prize winner for Literature, was first published in that year

Authored by  Gerhart Hauptmann, translated by Adele Szold Seltzer

Gerhart Johann Robert Hauptmann was a German dramatist and novelist. He is counted among the most important promoters of literary naturalism, though he integrated other styles into his work as well. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1912.

Leaving behind his ailing wife and three children, Dr John boarded the ship Roland from Germany to go to New York in pursuit of obsessive love. Frederick von Kammacher actually tries to find himself on this journey. However, when Roland crashes into another ship and sinks, his life changes, along with the other people on the ship. Frederick is among the survivors of the accident.

And his life in New York takes him on unexpected adventures. The first part of the book is reminiscent of the Titanic crash. Interestingly, the Titanic accident occurred in the same year as the book was published. One month after Hauptmann delivered this novel to his publisher, the Titanic disaster occurred. Hauptmann has a very fluent and impressive narration.

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