Our story of Atlantis:- written down for the Hermetic Brotherhood - PDF book by W. P. Phelon

Our story of Atlantis: written down for the Hermetic Brotherhood  

Our story of Atlantis:
Our story of Atlantis:

From introduction:

It is not necessary for an author in these later days, always to be able to say, he writes of his own knowledge. This has become a recognized fact. He may write from another's experience, in whose honesty and reliability, he has as much, and sometimes more confidence, than in his own personal sense.

 This is the case with this little book, treating a subject of interest to the whole world, today. For six years I have had the MSS. almost ready for the printer. Now, with the encouragement and helping hand of my Dear Comrades of the Hermetic Brotherhood, I am bid to let it- go forth. May it be a help to the ONCE ATLANTIAN BORN, wherever they may be.

In connection with the Continent of Atlantis, we should bear in mind that the account which has come down to us through the old Greek writers contains a confusion of statements, some of them referring to the great Continent as a whole, and others to the last, small island of Posidonia. Plato, for instance, condensed the whole history of the Continent of Atlantis, covering several millions of years into an event, he located upon the island of Poseidonis (about as large as Ireland); whereas, the priests spoke always of Atlantis as a continent as large as Europe and Africa put together. Homer speaks of the Atlantes and their island. 

The Atlantes and the Atlantides of mythology are based upon the Atlantes and Atlantides of history. The story of Atlas gives clearly us the clue. Atlas is the personification in a single symbol of the 6combined continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. 

The poets attribute to Atlas, as to Proteus, superior wisdom and universal knowledge, and especially a thorough acquaintance with the depths of the ocean; because both continents having borne races instructed by divine masters, were each transferred to the bottom of the seas, where they now slumber until the appointed time shall come to reappear above the waters. And as both Lemuria, destroyed by submarine fires, and Atlantis submerged by the waves, perished in the ocean depths, Atlas is said to have been compelled to leave the surface of the earth and join his father Iapetus in the depths of Tartarus. "Atlas then personifies a continent in the West, said to support heaven and earth at once; that is, the feet of the giants tread the earth while his shoulders support the sky, an allusion to the gigantic peaks of the ancient continents, Mount Atlas and the Tenerife Peak. 

These two dwarfed relics of the two lost continents were thrice as lofty during the day of Lemuria and twice as high in that of Atlantis. Atlas was an inaccessible island peak in the days of Lemuria when the African Continent had not yet been raised. "Lemuria should no more be confounded with the Atlantis Continent than Europe with America. 

Both sank and were drowned with their high civilizations and 'gods,' yet between the two catastrophes a period of about 700,000 years elapsed. "Why should not your geologists bear in mind that under the continents explored and fathomed by them, in the bowels of which they have found the Eocene age, there may be hidden deep in the unfathomable ocean beds, other and far older continents whose strata have never been geologically explored, and that they may someday up- set their present theories." Amazed at this singular corroboration of what my friend had previously read me, 

I concluded I would ask him something more about it, at the first opportunity, not dreaming that the opportunity of lives was close at hand. During all this time we had been making good time toward the South. Both officers and men had been attracted toward our passenger, and all were ready to give him the little attentions which make a stranger feel at home anywhere.

 To mention this as an explanation of some events which happened a little later. The winds had been brisk and favourable, but as we approached the Spanish Main they grew fitful, and when we had traversed a part of that West Indian Archipelago, they fell away into a dead calm. Our ship drifted a little to the South but made no particular headway. On the third day, the moon fulled at noon and we were lying in about;^o degrees 

North latitude and 42 degrees West longitude, when my friend asked me if I would like to go with him to visit a peculiar looking island, about a couple of miles to the westward. Upon my rather eager assent, the captain granted us the use of his yawl, and though he proffered us the help of some of the crew, our friend declined, saying he had been much accustomed to the water..

Some contents:

The poem, "Lost Atlantis." Why is this book written? Authorities pointing to the existence of a former Continent and City. Definite assertions of destruction by the deluge, of an island Continent, positively declared. Testimony of the whirling straws, the flotsam and jetsam of the day. Concurrent evidence of the existence and influence of these people on our civilization. Page i


The poem, "Atlantian Memories." Continued cross-examination of witnesses, human and divine, concerning the facts in evidence of the existence of Atlantis Island and City. Description of mountains, cities, caves, and other evidence of occupation by civilized and enlightened people. Speculations and deductions of the Past, Present and Future. Page25-

Beginning of a voyage. The attractive stranger. Acquaintance ripens rapidly. "Such a face as children love and scoundrels hate." An eloquent and instructive talker. Atlantian memories seem to be the new friend, personal experiences. The wonderful cities of the Past have disappeared. The little black-lettered manuscript in a strange language. History of Atlantis. "Your desire for information on these lines will be gratified." Page 41

The student and master of the Cabala. The solving of the problem. The odd volume from the Boston second-hand book store. The Fourth Continent; its predecessors and successors. Atlas and Lemuria. The calm of the waters. Visit the tower of the Atlantian Temple. The chambers of the three, five and seven. The secret depositary and the "nice bit of rock: looks a little water-worn though." What it can tell. Page 57.

The meeting of the Potent Three. The box in charge?, opens, revealing the only record extant, of the most potent nation ever dwelling upon the Earth. Page 76.


The record made up by Tlana, Scribe of the Mighty Three, 29,000 B. C. Description of the country, its inhabitants and wonderful fertility. The nation's desire for Gold predicted will bring disasters upon the whole. The Etheric force — the power of thought known to the Magi. Page 81.

Continuation of the MSS. of "THE WHITE CITY, THE CITY RISING FROM THE SEA." Eight years to infancy; eight years to boyhood; eight years to young manhood, and a thousand years to learning of the invisible and real. Page 93.

the book details :
  • Author:P. Phelon (September 28, 1834 – December 29, 1904) was an English-American occultist who founded the Hermetic Brotherhood of Atlantis, Luxor and Elephanta. He was associated with the Ramayana Theosophical Society of Chicago and of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.
  • Publication date:  1903
  • Company: San Francisco, Calif.: Hermetic Book Concern

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