Outwitting the Hun; (1918) by Pat O'Brien my escape from a German prison camp

Outwitting the Hun; my escape from a German prison camp  

No one realizes this better than I do and I want to repeat it right here because elsewhere in these pages I may appear occasionally to overlook or minimize it: without the help of Providence, I would not be here today. But this same Providence which brought me home safely, despite all the dangers which beset me, may work similar miracles for others, and it is in the hope of encouraging other poor devils who may find themselves in situations as hopeless apparently as mine oftentimes were that this book is written.

When this cruel war is over which I trust maybe sooner than I expect it to be I hope I shall have an opportunity to revisit the scenes of my adventures and to thank in person in an adequate manner everyone who extended a helping hand to me when I was a wretched fugitive. All of them took great risks in befriending an escaped prisoner, and they did it without the slightest hope of reward. At the same time, I hope I shall have a chance to pay my compliments to those who endeavoured to take advantage of my distress.
