Language lessons for intermediate grades ( 1912) PDF book by Alma Blount

Language lessons for intermediate grades

Language lessons for intermediate grades

In publishing, under the general title of Progressive Studies in English, a series of volumes intended for, use in American grade and high schools, the authors desire to say that it has been their aim to furnish manuals of grammar and composition that shall prove eminently practical and helpful from the point of view of both teacher and pupil. 

There is still such great variety of opinions among teachers of these subjects that no writer of text-books can hope to please all classes. The views of the authors of these books must be described in gen- eral as conservative; they have adopted, however, with gratitude, the best suggestions of recent writers on the teaching of language regardless of schools of thought. It is believed that these books will be found to provide a minimum of theory with the maximum amount of practice, based on models of acknowledged excellence. It has been deemed wise to gather further discussion of purpose and method in language in the elementary grades into a small pamphlet, which the publishers will take pleasure in sending to all teachers interested. 

The authors wish to express their gratitude to the following authors and publishers for allowing the use of copyright material in this volume: to Miss Emily R. Andrews and Ginn and Company for the selection from Seven Little Sisters, by Miss Jane Andrews; to Miss Alice G. McCloskey for selections written by her and reprinted from Cornell Nature Study Leaflets and The Junior Naturalist Monthly; to Professor James Morgan Hart and Hinds, Noble, and Eldredge for the selection from Hart's Rhetoric; to Rand, McNally, and Company for selections from Mary Catherine Judd's Classic Myths; to Charles Scribner's Sons for the selections from Ste- venson's Letters and from St. Nicholas; to Little, Brown, and Company for the paragraphs from Parkman's Mont- calm and Wolfe.