Allen's Synonyms and antonyms ( 1921) PDF by Sturges Allen

Allen's Synonyms and antonyms 

Allen's Synonyms and antonyms
Allen's Synonyms and antonyms 


In appreciation of the watchful care which restored me to health, in the year 1914, making possible the carrying on and completion of the work, on this book.  affected. — When a person deliberately uses diction that is not natural and is not chosen simply in order best to convey his meaning, his use of words is affected. 

Allen's Synonyms and antonyms

Every cross-reference from a word is to some other synonymous word, under which it is given either merely as a synonym or by way of a reciprocal reference at the end. This latter is often done where there are two groups of synonyms of overlapping signification. 

The matter in smaller type at the foot of the page consists entirely of cross-references, the words in the italic type in each case having, under the main vocabulary entrance, a list of synonyms including the word referred from. Thus, "obloquy: abuse, discredit" means: "See in the main Vocabulary the words abuse and discredit, where the word obloquy will be found as one of the several synonyms of the other words." 

Under many of the vocabulary entries, the synonyms are divided into numbered groups, to keep together the synonyms for any one sense, because the synonyms of a word in one sense usually differ in whole or in part from the synonyms of the word in a different sense. Where the distinction between the senses is not obvious, I have introduced a brief hint or definition to make this plain, as under abridgement, arrangement, ask, v. t., assembly, base, n., beak. Frequently the difference in meaning between the senses is made clear or more obvious by the following antonyms, as under absolute, ask, v. t., branch, body, benefit.

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