Costume design and illustration PDF book by Ethel Traphagen (1918)

Download  Costume design and illustration PDF book by Ethel  Traphagen (1918) With Illustrations and Examples

Costume design and illustration PDF book

Costume Design and Costume Illustration are not always looked upon as distinctly different branches of what is termed fashion work, but in truth, there is a marked difference between them.

Contents of the book:

I. Sketching 1 

II. Drawing without Models .... 13 

III. Methods 27 

IV. Color 63 

V. Design 75 

VI. The Fashion Silhouette ..... 83 

VII. Period Fabric Design 91 

VIII. Outline of Historic Costume ... 99 

IX. Bibliography .127 

X. A Reading and Reference List of 

Costume, Arranged Alphabetic- 
ally 137 

XI. Artists whose Work Has Bearing 

ON Period Fabrics or Costume. 185 

XII. Index 199