The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics - PDF by Eduard Zeller

The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics

The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics
The Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics

The favour with which a previous attempt to render one portion of Dr Zeller's work accessible to English readers has been received, induces the translator to offer a further instalment. The former translation dealt with that part of Dr Zeller's Philosophie der Oriechen which treats of Socrates and the Socratic Schools, thus supplying an introductory volume to the real philosophy of Greece as it found expression in the systems of Plato and Aristotle.

The present volume, taking up the history of philosophy at a time when the real philosophy of Greece was over, and the names of Plato and Aristotle had become things of the past, aims at supplying an introductory volume to another portion of the history of mind — the portion, viz. which may be collectively described as the post-Aristotelian. 

To the moralist and theologian no less than to the student of philosophy this portion is one of peculiar interest; for the post-Aristotelian philosophy supplied the scientific mixed into which Christianity in the early years of its growth was cast, and bearing the shape of which it has come down to us. No complete history therefore of either morals or theology is possible, which does not know something of the systems contemporary with the first ages of the Church. In the present volume, the translator has followed the same method of translation as in ' Socrates and the Socratic Schools.' In the hope of rendering it as intelligible as possible, he has made it his aim throughout to eschew all unnecessary technicalities.


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